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10 Facts About Gastric Sleeve in Mexico Based on Real Experience

7 November, 2022

If you want to undergo a gastric sleeve in Mexico or have already started a bariatric weight loss process, you have read a lot about the effects you can experience. In addition to medical opinion, the personal experience of those who have already traveled this path can offer a different and more realistic perspective of what is lived.

Kat decided to undergo a gastric sleeve in Mexico and has shared on social networks her evolution and how she has faced each stage during her weight loss. From a frank and blunt perspective, she has told essential truths that every aspiring bariatric surgeon should know. Know and discover why, despite the challenges, she still does not regret making this decision that changed her life.

Gastric Sleeve in Mexico – Integrating new eating habits into life

Often, those suffering from obesity find food one of the greatest pleasures or even an emotional escape. So many are scared of having to leave behind a type of food they enjoy. However, after deciding to undergo bariatric surgery in Mexico, they also permanently changed their healthy eating style.

In the case of Kat, below we will tell you 5 things that she experienced in terms of new eating habits:

  1. Food and drink

Since, with the gastric sleeve, the stomach’s capacity is much lower, it is recommended to eat small portions of food, in addition to avoiding drinking liquids at least 30 minutes before each meal and after it. However, it took Kat a while to adjust to this habit. She says forgetting about it was pretty uncomfortable since she filled up much faster and felt it caused nausea.


  1. Chocolates and sweet foods

Are you a sweets lover and think you won’t be able to resist eating them? You’ll be surprised to know that, in Kat’s case, she loved chocolate bars. However, right after her surgery, her main food source was healthy products, liquid and soft. This made her taste restart, so to speak. Later the chocolates and other desserts seemed too sweet, so she no longer dies from eating large amounts of them and prefers salty.


  1. Belching (burping)

No one may have mentioned it to you before, but there are minor effects in some bariatric patients that, although not alarming, can be uncomfortable. In Kat’s case, most of the time, after having a meal or drinking something, she usually has a bit of belching, a symptom that she thought would be temporary but has continued. Still, although it was initially embarrassing, she has learned to disguise it very well.


  1. Meals away from home

Since the portions are very small, Kat explains that going out to a restaurant is a waste of money since, of the main course, you can only eat about 1/3. So, she usually shares with her husband, and there is rarely room for dessert. On the other hand, when she receives invitations from friends to eat at her house, she often struggles to understand how much she can eat, so she prefers to serve herself so as not to feel bad about leaving food that she cannot eat.


  1. Vomiting or other effects

After bariatric surgery in Mexico, many patients’ stomachs may become sensitive since they need a recovery time due to the changes. Kat says that the times she has vomited have actually been very few. One reason is overeating, so you’ve had to learn to listen to your body when feeling satiated. Another time, when eating a slice of pizza, her body simply rejected it due to excess fat.


Other changes to consider after weight loss with a gastric sleeve in Mexico

Gastric sleeve in Mexico is the beginning of a new lifestyle, which means that it will affect not only your diet but your entire environment. These changes have a positive impact on both physical and emotional health. Although, of course, this does not mean that it will always be easy to adapt. Kat faced the following particular challenges:


  • Infighting

At first, integrating new eating habits can be difficult. In Kat’s case, the first two weeks were really complicated. Above all, because the people around her could eat normally, she only drank liquids. “It was too hard to see them,” she says. That’s why she decided not to sit with them for dinner for a while, adapting to her new eating style. The support and understanding of her family were a great help.


  • Hair loss

Kat had to change her look since, given the massive weight loss and her forgetfulness to take the vitamins; she began to lose hair. She had some bald spots; her hair became more fragile with less volume. So, she decided to cut it to lighten the weight. She began to use specialized products. For 10 months, she did not dye it and began to take her vitamins constantly. After 2 months, she began to notice how her hair regained strength and grew little by little.


  • Exercise

Approximately 3 months after a gastric sleeve in Mexico, patients can begin integrating their exercise routine. Many choose to attend a gym or hire a personal trainer, as in Kat’s case. She says this has been a great help as she was able to receive proper guidance on how to train and tone better and measure her progress. In addition, she has extra motivation as she knows she has to be accountable, which helps him to be regular in her routine.


  • Stagnation

Kat explains that although her weight loss was initially rapid, as she was able to lose up to 44 pounds in 3 months, she subsequently experienced a period of stagnation. Losing her last 22 pounds was quite challenging as she spent almost a year trying. Still, she didn’t give up and sought the help of a personal trainer to help him overcome this impasse. In addition to increasing exercise intensity, it was decided to pay more attention to adequate food intake.


  • Excess skin

Although Kat is happy with her progress, she admits that it causes her a bit of sadness when she raises her arms and people notice hanging skin. She also has a fold of skin in her stomach due to weight loss and twin pregnancy. Even so, she has the goal that once she loses all the projected weight there, she will undergo surgery to remove the excess. If that’s also one of your concerns, you can ask a surgeon about skin removal surgery in Mexico.

Live your own process and experience the benefits of gastric sleeve in Mexico

“All in all, … I wouldn’t change anything. I would keep choosing surgery,” Kat says. The reason is that she now feels much healthier, physically fit, and happier. But, in addition, she is sure that she has acquired an extra benefit: adding years of life to her future. Do you also want to aspire to a better quality of life? While it’s true that each person experiences their own process uniquely, the benefits you can enjoy are truly incredible.

Discover for yourself if the gastric sleeve in Mexico is for you or if other options better suit your circumstances. Contact the best bariatric specialists by phone at (858) 779 2552 or us at email [email protected] and get reliable advice on your weight loss. You too can have a successful experience!

Gastric Sleeve in Mexico


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