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How Do I Know If I Need A Tummy Tuck VS Liposuction Surgery?

18 December, 2020

Undoubtedly, when you decide to improve your entire body’s esthetics, your abdomen is a crucial aspect. It allows you not only to have a healthy appearance but also to form a more attractive silhouette. For that purpose, within the world of cosmetic surgeries, the most common are tummy tuck in Mexico and liposuction.

These treatments are proven to be most effective in improving the abdomen’s appearance through an aesthetical procedure. Mainly because of the good results and low-risk rates that patients have experienced. As a result, the number of people seeking to undergo one of these interventions have gained popularity to achieve a quick and satisfying solution. Moreover, these procedures help to eliminate excess fat and regain skin elasticity.

Although both surgical methods work in the same area of the body, the tummy tuck in Mexico procedure and liposuction in Mexico have different approaches. Each one can solve very specific problems for a particular patient. Therefore, it is essential that you know and understands how each procedure works and its objectives.

Tummy Tuck in Mexico

First, let us begin with tummy tuck in Mexico, a complex yet modern cosmetic surgery technique that requires advanced medical technology. Its primary purpose is to return the strength and firmness that you have lost in the abdomen area since it is impossible to stop the weakening of tissues over the years.

Typically, women who have had one or more pregnancies usually undergo this type of surgery, as well as women who have increased their skin elasticity due to aging.

To strengthen the body core components, the surgeon must remove excess skin and tighten the muscles to give the abdomen a healthy and attractive look. On the other hand, the operation lasts approximately 2 to 4 hours. The exact time will depend on the conditions of each patient.

Surgery is done by an incision in the upper part of the belly. Fortunately, the scar is totally invisible at the end of the recovery process, thanks to its strategic location and modern techniques.


As the name suggests, this cosmetic intervention was invented several years ago to remove excess fat from the abdomen. However, it is not made only for that part of the body as it can also extract fat from other parts of the body. For example, a patient can have it also performed on the legs, hips, neck, and buttocks.

This technique allows the surgeon to reshape the patient’s figure according to his needs and preferences. Unlike popular belief, liposuction aims to remove the fat accumulated in certain areas, but it is not considered a weight-loss procedure. Should a person need to lose a significant amount of weight, he should opt for bariatric surgery.

Liposuction surgery is performed by a cannula, which is connected to an extracting machine to suck up fat tissue. The surgical process lasts approximately 1 to 4 hours and leaves no scars. Thus, what will determine the length of the procedure will be the areas that need to be improved and the amount of fat in the patient.

How do you know if you are suitable for a tummy tuck in Mexico?

Since this is a surgical procedure with a high degree of complexity and low risks of complications, certain factors should be considered that indicate whether you are a candidate for this cosmetic solution. If you meet the following criteria to a reasonable degree, you can consider undergoing a tummy tuck in Mexico.

  1. Have good overall health and being close to your ideal weight.
  2. Have not experienced frequent changes in weight during the last 6 months.
  3. Have large amounts of excess skin in the abdominal area.
  4. Have healthy skin, with a good tone and elasticity
  5. Have good emotional stability
  6. Be aware of all possible risks and complications after surgery.
  7. Present muscle weakness due to the distention of the abdominal muscles.
  8. If you have gone through several pregnancies, and these have left a high degree of sagging in the abdomen. Besides, you must be aware that a pregnancy after surgery would eliminate the results obtained.

Aspects to be considered before the operation

If you have a chronic condition, whether cardiovascular disease, diabetes, liver disease, or a genetic history with these types of diseases, you are at increased risk when you have a tummy tuck in Mexico. To ensure optional results, if a patient is overweight, he should plan to have the procedure after losing most if not all the excess body weight.

General requirements for liposuction surgery

  1. Patient must be 18 years or older.
  2. Pregnant or lactating women cannot undergo this surgery.
  3. People with any health problems must be approved by their doctor to undergo the procedure.
  4. If the person is taking any anticoagulant or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication, they should stop taking it before and after surgery.
  5. During surgery, lidocaine anesthesia is applied. If the person is allergic to it, they will not be able to undergo the procedure.

Realistic expectations

Any candidate for liposuction should have realistic expectations. You should not wait to lose excessive body weight or remove stretch marks or cellulitis from your skin. Patients are usually removed 10 pounds of fat from the treated areas. The ideal candidate is the one that does not exceed more than 25 pounds at its ideal weight. Additionally, he has experienced good health and has been subjected to diets and exercises for a while without being able to remove fat deposits.

Consult with a leading specialist

Although liposuction is the second most performed cosmetic surgery after breast augmentation and tummy tuck in Mexico is gaining much popularity, it is always best to consult a specialist before choosing either of these two surgeries. He can determine the best option depending on your needs and expectations. Sometimes, they might recommend combining these two procedures to achieve optimal and lasting results.

Before you undergo any of these two cosmetic surgeries, it is vital to have your accurate clinical history. At Health Wellness Bazaar, we have the best plastic surgeons in Mexico. They will review all the needed aspects and your specific circumstances to ensure you get the best treatment that will be in your nest interests

For example, the surgeon will consider the degree of elasticity of your skin, the laxity of your abdomen’s muscles, and the type of abdominal fat you have accumulated. They will also get a series of laboratory and clinical studies focused on determining your precise physical and health condition.

Thanks to a tummy tuck in Mexico and liposuction, you will be able to have the satisfaction of achieving significant improvements in your body. These procedures will help you regain confidence and feel happier with yourself since the results are both esthetic and personal improvements. Contact us at (858) 779 2552 or submit the contact form if you want to know more about the extraordinary results through our cosmetic surgeries.

tummy tuck in Mexico


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