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How to Prepare your Body for Plastic Surgery in Tijuana

26 September, 2022

Preparing for plastic surgery in Tijuana is often exciting but can also be stressful and overwhelming. However, drawing up a good preparation plan will help you feel calmer and increase your chances of achieving satisfactory results and successful recovery.

The following information does not replace your plastic surgeon’s recommendations since each body is different, and not all cases are identical. Knowing some essential tips before your cosmetic surgery will be advantageous.

Practical tips to prepare your body before plastic surgery

Preparation and planning are the keys to success in any business. And in the medical field, this principle is essential to ensure the well-being and safety of patients. Experts recommend starting a preparation plan at least a month in advance. Doing so will allow you to have a healthy body and mind in optimal condition during your plastic surgery in Mexico.

Healthy diet

Studies indicate that approximately 50% of Americans seeking cosmetic surgery have nutrient deficiencies when they arrive at a medical facility. On the other hand, it has been shown that maintaining a healthy diet before and after an operation can accelerate wound healing, boost the immune system, and reduce pain, inflammation, and blood loss.

In the opinion of experts, the most recommended foods before and after an aesthetic procedure are:

  • Protein from lean meats such as chicken and turkey. A high-protein diet will help repair skin tissue, especially after liposuction.
  • Fiber: If you are thinking of undergoing a tummy tuck in Tijuana, you must eat foods rich in fiber (fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains) to increase intestinal transit and avoid constipation after your surgery.
  • Eat natural carbohydrates like beans, lentils, grains, seeds, fruits, and vegetables. But avoid fast-absorbing foods like cookies, candy, and cupcakes.
  • Foods rich in vitamins A, C, and E. They stimulate the production of collagen and fibroblasts, a type of cell essential for wound healing.
  • Plenty of fluids – It’s always a good idea to stay hydrated, especially before surgery. Good hydration promotes the proper functioning of cells and organs, cleanses the body, helps release toxins, and has a beneficial effect on the skin.

In addition, it is imperative that at least two weeks before surgery, you stop taking all kinds of dietary supplements, homeopathic medicine, or traditional Chinese or Indian treatments, as they could interfere with the anesthesia and postoperative medication. Likewise, substances such as Ginkgo Biloba, Ginseng, and garlic could alter coagulation and harm health.

Physical activity

It is essential to combine diet + gym to maintain the results of plastic surgery in Tijuana for as long as possible. However, physical exercise also has multiple benefits when done before a breast augmentation procedure or mommy makeover, including:

  • Strengthens the lymphatic and circulatory system
  • Reduces preoperative stress and anxiety
  • Improves muscle tone and flexibility
  • Helps prevent sagging
  • Accelerates the regeneration of structures and tissues
  • Activates the metabolism and builds muscle mass, which helps prevent weight gain during recovery.
  • Reduce the risks, complications, and duration of the intervention.

A good activity routine will help you to be in the best physical and psychological conditions and optimize the results. Also, good habits will help you stick with them after cosmetic surgery.

Mentally prepare

It is normal to experience some degree of stress and anxiety before a surgical procedure. However, preparing psychologically beforehand will help keep your emotions and thoughts in check, reduce muscle tension, and may even favorably affect your immune system.

Some keys that will help you positively face your entire process are:

  • Clarify all the doubts you have with your specialist. Remember that the lack of information can increase anxiety. Therefore, on your next visit to the doctor, do not forget to clarify any doubts or concepts with your specialist.
  • Select a good and trustworthy surgeon. Choosing one of the best plastic surgeons in Tijuana may seem complicated, but the effort will be worth it. A 100% certified, experienced doctor with a proven track record of success will provide you with the security and peace of mind you need throughout the procedure.
  • Analyze your expectations. Evaluate with your surgeon if the results are up to your expectations.
  • Reflect if you are sure of your choice. The decision to undergo plastic surgery in Tijuana is yours. Sometimes it can be wise to listen to the opinion of others. However, do not let these opinions influence your preferences, especially if you feel pressured to make a decision.
  • Practicing relaxation techniques, meditation, or deep breathing for at least 30 minutes a day will help you clear your mind and overcome your fear of the procedure.

Healthy habits

We all know that tobacco is not suitable for health, even more so when combined with surgery of any kind. If you are one of those who smoke regularly, you must stop smoking at least one month before your surgery. The longer you go without smoking, the less likely you are to have risks and complications, such as:

  • Slow and poor-quality healing
  • Predisposition to infections
  • Clot formation
  • Narrowing of blood vessels, which results in a decreased supply of oxygen to the tissues
  • Less resistance to pain
  • Increased risk of necrosis (death of body tissue)
  • Alterations or even rejection in the case of breast implants

Kicking a bad habit can be extremely difficult. However, research has shown that quitting smoking before and after plastic surgery can significantly reduce its harmful effects, reduce the possibility of significant risks by up to three times, and speed up recovery.

Therefore, if you have been fighting this habit for a long time, do not give up and keep trying. Remember that most people who have successfully quit smoking did not make it on the first try. Plus, the benefits will far outweigh any effort you put into it, including the fantastic results of your plastic procedure.

Ideal candidates for plastic surgery in Tijuana

The main objective of plastic surgery in Tijuana, in addition to improving your physical appearance, is to raise a person’s confidence and self-esteem. To meet these goals and determine if a procedure is safe for your health, a specialist will evaluate the following factors:

  • You are between 18 and 68 years old
  • You are in suitable physical, mental, and emotional health
  • You have chronic diseases under control.
  • In some cases, you need to be at a stable weight for six months to a year.
  • You are advised by an expert surgeon and informed about the possible risks and complications involved in the aesthetic procedure of your choice
  • You must not be pregnant
  • You have no history of smoking or agree to quit smoking or use nicotine products such as chewing tobacco, patches, or e-cigarettes before and after surgery
  • You have realistic expectations about what can be achieved. You don’t want to imitate an ideal of beauty

Are you ready for plastic surgery in Tijuana?

If your answer is yes, we congratulate you. If you’re still unsure or want personalized attention, schedule your free first consultation today by calling (858) 779 225 or emailing us at [email protected]. Our experts at HW Bazaar will be happy to answer all your questions and give you all the advice you need before, during, and after your plastic surgery in Tijuana.

Plastic Surgery in Tijuana


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