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Tijuana Plastic Surgery: Reconstructive or Cosmetic. What Is the Difference?

27 August, 2020

It is quite common to conclude that reconstructive surgery and cosmetic surgery have basically the same goals and outcomes. Plastic surgery originates from the Greek term plastikos, meaning molding or shaping. Plastic surgery is a very vast field; hence it can be broken down into two main categories: reconstructive surgery and cosmetic surgery. Both are generally considered sub-specialties of Tijuana plastic surgery. Consequently, we will analyze the differences and similarities, as well as how to decide if reconstruction surgery is necessary.

Reconstructive surgery

These types of plastic surgery procedures are performed mainly to restore function and healthy appearance. Moreover, thanks to these surgical procedures, it is possible to and correct deformities created by medical conditions such as cancer, as well as birth defects or trauma. For example, thanks to breast implants in Mexico, women’s breasts can be reconstructed after a lumpectomy or a mastectomy due to cancer. Of course, reconstructive surgery is considered medically necessary and contributes to the well-being of the patients.

Cosmetic surgery

These surgical procedures are performed to enhance overall cosmetic anatomy by reshaping and adjusting a standard physical appearance to fit the patient’s expectations. The main difference from reconstructive surgery is that they are not strictly medically necessary. However, they significantly improve self-esteem, self-confidence, and mental and emotional well-being.  Some of the most widely used cosmetic plastic surgeries in recent years are Tummy Tuck, Mommy Makeover, and Rhinoplasty.

Similarities between reconstructive and cosmetic surgery

Naturally, there are often significant similarities between reconstructive and cosmetic procedures performed at Tijuana plastic surgery because they use a number of the equal underlying surgical principles that all plastic surgeons must follow. Regardless of the type of plastic surgical procedures that are being performed, the end goal is to maximize an optimal cosmetic result for the patients. No matter what type of plastic surgery procedure is chosen, it is essential for patients to discuss beforehand the anticipated aesthetic results with their surgeon to meet his or her expectations as closely as possible.

When it comes to insurance coverage, the line between reconstructive and cosmetic surgery might not be as clear. Some conditions are considered both reconstructive and cosmetic, depending on the patient’s specific situation and circumstances in life. Very often, for example, rhinoplasty is usually performed not only to enhance the appearance of the nose but also be required to restore normal nasal breathing and appearance due to abnormalities of the bones of the nose.

If your medical insurance does not cover a plastic surgery like the one mentioned before, at Health & Wellness Bazaar, we provide financing and cost savings for Tijuana plastic surgery so you can have the same high-quality treatments at an affordable price.

Do I need breast reconstruction plastic surgery?

Any woman who has had a surgical procedure to treat breast cancer can opt to have additional surgery to rebuild the shape of her breast for a natural appearance. This type of surgery is called breast reconstruction surgery. It is recommended that if you are planning to undergo this surgery, talk with your surgeon and a plastic surgeon who will perform the breast reconstruction prior to the surgery to remove the cancer. This allows the surgical teams to plan the best treatment for you, whether you have the reconstructive surgery right after or sometime later.

Benefits of breast reconstruction

Some of the benefits of choosing to undergo breast reconstruction surgery are:

  • Anesthetic look of the breasts when wearing any type of clothing
  • A better fit of clothes
  • Permanently regain the natural shape of breasts
  • No need for an external prosthesis to balance the size of breasts
  • A satisfying feeling of her body

Modern techniques have reduced the amount of scarring after breast reconstruction surgery. The plastic surgeon´s goal is to make the breasts look alike and give them enough size and natural shape to make the patient feel comfortable about the way they look.

Of course, it is essential to keep in mind that the reconstructed breast will not be as perfect or as natural to your former breast. Sometimes, tissue from your tummy, back, or buttocks is used as part of the reconstruction. Granted, those areas may look a little different after the procedure. Your surgeon will let you know anything you need to know about scars and changes in the shape following the bust operation.

Tijuana Plastic Surgery: Will the breast reconstruction surgery affect the cancer treatment?

Different studies have shown that reconstruction does not make breast cancer come back. In rare cases, when cancer has come back, the reconstructed breasts do not cause problems finding the source of cancer or getting in the way of medical treatment.

On the other hand, there could be patients who do not want to decide about reconstruction surgery while being treated for their breast cancer, and that is perfectly acceptable. Granted, the patient can choose to wait until after the breast cancer surgery or mastectomy.

Furthermore, the plastic surgeon might suggest surgery to reshape the other breast to match the reconstructed breast. Granted, it may involve reducing or enlarging the size or through a procedure called breast lifting.

In case the cancer treatment includes radiation, the types of immediate reconstruction surgery might be limited or planned accordingly. Some types of reconstruction surgeries performed before radiation can lower the chances or make it more difficult for the rebuilt breast to look and feel as natural as possible after the radiation treatment.  Therefore, to fully understand any of these possibilities, your surgeon or surgeons will walk you through the entire procedure plan.

Understanding your reconstruction options before surgery will enable you to have peace of mind because you will know that the surgeries performed by the surgeons will focus on first, making you healthy and safe, and second, making you feel good and satisfied with your appearance.

Importance of choosing a certified Plastic Surgeon

Usually, in the U.S., a physician advertising as a cosmetic surgeon is not required to complete formal plastic surgery or be certified in this specific field. True, that physician may actually have trained in any medical specialty, but that does not make him an expert in Tijuana plastic surgery.

When you choose Health & Wellness Bazaar, you can rest assured that you will be receiving medical treatment from the best plastic surgeons in Mexico. They have not only completed the necessary training and are certified in this field, but also have the experience needed to perform your plastic surgery procedure for the best outcome.

Start planning your breast reconstruction surgery or any other type of Tijuana plastic surgery today at our toll-free number: (858) 779 2552 or request a free quote.


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