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Tummy Tuck in Mexico: How to Achieve a Flat Abdomen

19 May, 2023

tummy tuck in Mexico

Are you looking to define your figure, but it seems impossible to achieve a flat and toned abdomen? Often, despite having a stable weight, the waist and abdomen areas of the body sometimes stubbornly resist change through traditional methods. How can you make your efforts worthwhile? Is there any safe and quick way to achieve a defined abdomen? What is a tummy tuck in Mexico?

  • Reasons why it is difficult to achieve a flat abdomen.
  • Abdominoplasty in Mexico: An infallible method for a flat abdomen
  • Contact a specialist and know your options. 


Reasons why it is difficult to achieve a flat abdomen

Have you ever had to resort to girdles or compression garments to hide the famous belly? Either because you have not managed to tone it or because you have an excess of skin this is a practical solution. However, it is only a temporary solution. The reality is that not getting the abdomen you want can limit your safety. Before talking about whether a tummy tuck in Mexico a good option is, let’s analyze why it is so difficult to define this area. Know the 4 main reasons:

  • Metabolism and fat

Did you know that the abdominal muscles are located under a layer of fat? Therefore, to show off marked abs it is necessary to first burn the fat stored in that area. However, it is worth mentioning that abdominal fat is difficult to eliminate since the tissue tends to be thicker than in other areas. In addition to this, age and metabolism are also two factors that come into play. 

Fitness experts say that each person’s metabolism can determine how excess fat is burned. That is, we do not all burn fat in the same way, while some reduce the abdomen first, other organisms focus on the hips and shoulders. Similarly, with the passage of age, metabolism becomes slower, and therefore fat is more difficult to eliminate.

  • Lack of professional guide when exercising

If you have tried to mark your abdominal muscles only by doing sit-ups, you may have become frustrated at not seeing the results you expected. And, although logic indicates that this is the indicated exercise, the reality is that you should not limit yourself to it. For starters, you should know that experts recognize that too many abdominals can cause a herniated disc or other physical problems, so it is better to combine it with other exercises. 

At the same time that the abdominals are strengthened, you must work the obliques and lumbar. If these muscles are weak, they will prevent you from performing certain abdominal exercises. For that reason, to make your exercise routine more effective, it is advisable to receive the advice of a physical trainer who indicates appropriate types of exercise

  • Wrong eating and life habits

Is a flat abdomen achieved only through exercise? While it is true that exercise is one of the most common methods, it is not the only important factor. Unhealthy eating often means that exercise does not have the same effect. Among the most common mistakes is to consume foods high in fat, many carbohydrates, little protein, high levels of sugar, and few vegetables. 

Some habits or lifestyles can negatively influence your body, such as excessive and constant alcohol consumption. If at weekends you go to a party and you get carried away by the drink you should keep in mind that this will make it possible that, even if you exercise all week, your belly does not disappear or on the contrary increases. And it has been proven that alcoholic beverages are difficult for the body to ingest, they are high in calories, and will increase your appetite … Definitely a bad combination of factors. 

  • Weight changes

If you’ve struggled with obesity, are overweight, or experienced pregnancy, you may have experienced constant or even radical changes when losing weight. However, often, even after weight loss, the abdominal muscles may be without strength, and the skin may appear saggy. In fact, internally there may be a separation of the muscles, causing the appearance of the abdomen to be drooping and unsymmetrical with the rest of the body. And externally it can present a considerable excess of hanging skin. 

mommy makeover Tijuana Mexico


Tummy tuck in Mexico: A reliable method for a flat abdomen

Currently, top-quality plastic surgery in Mexico has become a bridge to realize the expectations related to the improvement in personal image. For many, it is the perfect tool to complement their efforts and define a better figure. While it is true that they require a recovery period, the results are well worth it. Among the surgeries that can help you improve the waist area is the mommy makeover in Mexico, liposuction, and abdominoplasty. 

The latter is a tummy tuck procedure specialized in defining the abdomen not superficially but working deeply in the muscles and circumcised tissue. During this surgery, a horizontal incision is made in the pubic bone area and extends to the lower abdomen. It can also be a horizontal incision from side to side of the hip. Once separated from the abdominal wall, both the skin and the muscles are tightened and at the same time, the contour is sculpted. Subsequently, the board-certified plastic surgeons in Mexico close the incisions over the pubic hair area. 

It is worth mentioning that there are some variants such as mini abdominoplasty, full abdominoplasty, extended abdominoplasty, and circular abdominoplasty. One of the great advantages is that the best plastic surgeons in Tijuana apply a surgical technique with quality sutures so that the scar is located well below the pubis and in the area covered by the bikini. So that patients can show off their bodies without fear that the scars are evident. Besides that, the cost of tummy tuck in Mexico is affordable through medical tourism in Tijuana.

By undergoing abdominoplasty, you can achieve 3 main goals:

  • Removes excess skin.
  • Removes stored fat deposits.
  • Tightens the muscles of the abdomen.


Contact the best tummy tuck in Mexico specialist and start your glow-up today!

Now, when undergoing a tummy tuck in Mexico, does it mean that I will not have to exercise or take care of my diet? Nope. While it is true that this cosmetic surgery will give you excellent results, if you want to maintain them and even optimize them, the ideal is to continue with a healthy lifestyle. With the help of specialists, you can receive guidance and expert guidance to show off a spectacular body. If you would like to contact a board-certified tummy tuck surgeon submit this quick form.

cost of tummy tuck in Mexico


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