When talking about breast surgery, most commonly breast implants Mexico is one of the first things that come to mind. However, breast implants Mexico surgery encompasses different types of breast surgery, among them, breast augmentation, breast reduction, breast reconstruction, breast lift, areola-nipple reconstruction, breast oncologic-plastic surgery.
Every intervention has its own characteristics and peruses very different objectives. It is because of this reason that before we take the decision to go through any surgical procedure, it is crucial to get in touch with a specialist to go over the best options in order to get the best possible desired results, concerning the breast shape and size.
During the first consultation with the plastic surgeon you discuss which procedure or combination of procedures is best suited and most viable to achieve the desired goals. At this point it must be mentioned that one of the specialist responsibilities, and or the best plastic surgeon in Mexico offer you clear information about the intervention details, the risk involved and the limitations each one of them have between each other, as well as to set realistic expectations they may have. But, just like the specialist has a responsibility, you as a patient share a very important for you to be completely honest and openly expose to the surgeon your expectations by choosing to go through with this type of surgery. Otherwise, the surgeon won’t be able to accurately pinpoint any needs nor offer any other alternatives which may allow you to reach said objective.
Having a clear objective in regards the effects and results achieved with each type of breast surgery and the cases in which they may apply usually comes in handy at the time of making a final decision. Nothing is more important than the fact that this decision is made taking into account all the information possible, keeping this in mind will help you avoid any deception or unwelcomed surprise after going through surgery.
Next, we shall briefly discuss the many types of breast surgery and we invite you to get in touch with us to get to know with more detail the details, risks and results you may expect when undergoing this surgery.
The medical term in order to refer to this type of surgery is mammoplasty, even though you may also notice it being referred to as breast augmentation. Breast augmentation surgery consists on placing breast implants Mexico on the breasts in order to modify their size, shape and volume. This implant may be saline solution or silicone and may be placed under the breast or mammary muscle tissue. This surgery is not only done to increase breast size, but also to achieve more symmetrical breast and to recover lost volume being it because of age or pregnancy.
Breast reduction surgery or reduction mammoplasty is often used as it name mentioned to reduce breast size. This is achieved by eliminating fat, tissue and skin through the use of different techniques that may be performed through a standard incision. This may be a vertical incision, or may be, perform trough a reduction procedure which employs liposuction. Breast reduction surgery is a good option for women who suffer from physical discomfort generated by because of having very large breast, or a treatment for men who suffer from gynecomastia, an illness which generate an abnormal enlargement of the breast.
Breast lifting also known as mastopexy is a type of surgery that enables surgeons to restore breast shape and firmness. It is recommended for those patients who have lost skin elasticity, which cause breast to fall or sag and shape loss. In order to achieve this several techniques according to breast size and the degree of skin elasticity loss present in the area these techniques may be standard, known as anchor incision technique, concentric, or with laser. It is up to the surgeon in charge to determine which technique is more convenient. Sometimes this surgery is complemented with breast augmentation.
Breast, areola and nipple reconstruction is done after a mastectomy; this is a removal of tissue from breast cancer patients. The breast reconstruction surgery allows restoring the breast natural shape and size. This intervention consists in placing a breast implant, or well, a tissue re-implanting surgery, according to the option agreed upon along with the specialist. In some cases the is the option of going through a breast reconstruction surgery immediately after breast extraction, but In some cases it is necessary to follow a more complex reconstruction procedure, for which, you will have to wait a certain amount of time before breast reconstruction.
It is important to mention that breast reconstruction is not only perform on cancer patients, in which case, said surgery receives the name of oncologic-plastic breast surgery, but it is also recommended for those patients who have suffer from some sort of accident which affected their breast shape. These breast reconstruction surgeries are often complemented with nipple-areola reconstruction.
The risks involved with each of the surgeries mentioned before may vary, so do the recovery, and there are several factors which weigh in, but amongst the min ones are age and general state of health. Only qualified cosmetic surgeons may determine the surgical procedure details for the cosmetic procedure, the techniques that are more adequate and define if they are or aren´t viable candidates for the procedure. That´s why we must stress the importance for a pre-op consultation to get to know all the different options available so you may achieve the best results possible you are looking for.
In addition to the procedure details, the recovery time and the post operatory care that must be followed to the dot during the procedure, it is important, it is also important to get to know the follow-up periodic appointments required, even after having achieved full recovery, medical consultations are also necessary in order to rule out the existence of any problems, and most important if you get breast implants Mexico, trough breast augmentation or reduction. Periodic revisions appointments allow the specialist to identify id there is any anomaly so he can correct any unsatisfactory results.
If you are on the market for a breast surgery, you at be interested in the services plastic surgery in Mexico we offer at Health & Wellness Bazaar is ethical, professional and responsible, at a comfortable price. For more information please contact us, we will gladly provide you detailed information about our procedures and payment plans.