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What Should I Eat After Dental Implants Tijuana Procedure?

3 July, 2021

In orthodontics, dental implants Tijuana, is one of the most common treatments performed in dental clinics to allow patients to recover their dental health and radiant smile. Despite being such a popular procedure, special care is required. For example, to avoid inflammation or discomfort, guidelines we will consider in this article should be followed to recover faster and enjoy fantastic results.

Generally, the orthodontic process for dental implants Tijuana is ambulatory, thanks to modern techniques that allow patients to have a quick recovery. Of course, some painkillers may be prescribed for the patient’s comfort. Also, the dental surgeon will provide antibiotics for a few days to help you recover.

Although orthodontic treatments such as dental implants Tijuana are a fairly common procedure, you may wonder if you need to adjust your diet for a few days. For example, some common questions are:

  • What foods can I eat?
  • What should I avoid eating?
  • How long will my treatment last?

This article provides you a glimpse of the dental care you will enjoy that will give you even greater benefits to your health.

When can I eat normally after a dental implants Tijuana procedure?

Most dentists recommend waiting to eat solid food for a brief period after receiving the dental implants, as the gums and teeth are numb after dental treatment. Usually, it takes hours to wait for the anesthesia to subside. Failure to do so may cause you to bite your cheeks or tongue if you decide to eat. Following this recommendation will prevent possible soft tissue injury, which could also damage the temporary filling.

The dental surgeon will recommend avoiding chewing on the treated area until your implants have successfully attached to your jawbones. Depending on your specific procedure, your dentist will let you know when you can resume eating solid foods. Thus, you will allow complete healing and avoid affecting the area of ​​the procedure. Usually, the entire healing process takes between one and two weeks.

What foods should I eat after a dental implants Tijuana procedure?

Just like orthopedic surgeons in Tijuana recommend food to help the knees, joints, or tendons recover, the orthodontist will also give suggestions of food that will provide quick healing and proper nutrition. For example, the specialist will recommend a liquid diet and soft foods during the first days.

Above all, opt for foods rich in essential nutrients such as fruits, vegetables, low-fat products, eggs, and beans. These will provide you with the necessary vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory properties to speed up the healing process. Some examples of some foods containing those properties are:

  • Oatmeal
  • Protein shakes
  • Soup with well-cooked vegetables
  • Homemade or low-fat ice-cream
  • Jello
  • Mashed potatoes
  • Baked apples
  • Soft bread
  • Fruit shakes
  • Scrambled eggs
  • Hummus
  • Soft cheese
  • Tuna salad

Remember that what we choose to eat affects almost every aspect of our health, including the health of our teeth and gums. Therefore, it is vital to follow a healthy diet and nutrition after dental surgery, whether for a treatment such as dental implants Tijuana or an orthodontic procedure. It is necessary to be disciplined to achieve phenomenal changes and a radiant simile without complications.

Long term care

The success of dental surgery treatments is practically guaranteed. But you must follow certain recommendations to ensure optimal results, as well as attend periodic checkups.

Besides a healthy diet, it is essential to have excellent dental hygiene habits and follow other recommendations, including the following:

  • Regular brushing and flossing. – Brush with a soft or electronic toothbrush at least three times a day, using mouthwash in each wash. Once you have recovered from a procedure, you should floss daily to prevent plaque from accumulating in the intervened area and keep it clean.
  • Reduce chewing. – Experts recommend reducing chewing, especially on the side where orthodontics was performed. In this way, any fracture will be avoided.
  • Watch what you eat. – Once you start eating solid food, avoid chewing gum or nuts as they can stick to the tooth and will be difficult to remove.
  • Avoid smoking for 24 hours.
  • Avoid using a straw. – Using a straw to drink beverages is not recommended, as it could hinder the coagulation process.
  • Avoid eating very hot or cold food. – After a dental procedure, you may have increased sensitivity at the gums, teeth, and the treated area. Thus, avoiding too hot and too cold foods will significantly reduce discomfort.
  • See your dentist regularly. – At least every six months, you should see your dentist for a checkup or oral cleaning.

Following recommendations such as these can ensure successful results for a lifetime. Keep in mind that, over time, your teeth may suffer decay and are susceptible to other dental issues. Therefore, it is essential to take care of your new and beautiful dental implants just like you would to natural teeth.

Where can I receive the best care for dental implants?

Today, many clinics offer good treatments, but Health & Wellness Bazaar has been highly awarded by thousands of patients every month. Most of our patients have expressed that they love the experience and dedication they have received from the staff and physicians. Consequently, they give high ratings and recommend us to friends and family.

It should be noted that many patients, while they recover from a dental procedure, take advantage of medical tourism in Mexico since it gives them the opportunity to enjoy full medical care and relax at the fantastic destinations throughout the country.

At Health & Wellness Bazaar, we will be thrilled to provide you with all the information you need and advise you without any obligation. We are the best dental tourism agency in Mexico, where you will find extraordinary treatments, world-class dental specialists, and state-of-the-art methods and technology.

If you want to know more about dental implants Tijuana, you can schedule a free virtual consultation by calling us at (858) 779-2552 or consulting us by email at [email protected]. We will be happy to help you experience the best care for your teeth and dental health.


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