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Nose Job in Tijuana

The nose plays a vital role in facial harmony, but a large or poorly shaped nose can affect a person's aesthetic appearance. Have you ever felt dissatisfied with your nose? Do you have breathing problems, such as snoring and congestion? If so, your solution is a nose job in Tijuana, a surgical procedure that can improve the balance of your facial features and restore your ability to breathe.


Whether you have a congenital problem or an unattractive nose, surgery can successfully modify, decrease or increase its size. If you want to know more, our Health and Wellness experts will provide all the necessary information about this and other procedures for plastic surgery in Mexico.

Nose surgery techniques

There are two widely used techniques in nose surgery, the closed and open procedure. The open operation involves creating incisions along the columella to treat damage to the nasal structures. The advantage of this method is that the surgeon has greater visibility of the nose, which allows for optimal correction.

Closed rhinoplasty (the medical term for a nose job) consists of making incisions inside the nostrils, facilitating a recovery without scars. However, this technique is only used to correct minor areas of the nose. Depending on the degree of correction or modification your nose needs, the specialist will use the most convenient method and techniques.

Who is the ideal candidate for rhinoplasty in Tijuana?

If you want to be the ideal candidate for this surgery, you must have good overall health. Also, it will be best to be emotionally stable; that is, patients must have realistic expectations of the treatment and not want absolute perfection in their appearance or look exactly like someone else. If you have realistic expectations, you ideally qualify for this surgery.

  • Malformed nasal angle.
  • Voluminous and wide nose.
  • Exceptionally large or poorly formed nostrils.
  • Nasal tip with a curve.
  • Difficulty breathing or chronic congestion.

It is essential that you are the one who is sure of the procedure and do not allow other people to decide for you. Thus, you can enjoy every change and fantastic results in the process.


*Individual results may vary


Dr. Marco Rodas

Plastic surgery




Dr. Ismael Gonzalez

Plastic surgery




Dr. Ismael Gonzalez

Plastic surgery




Dr. Marco Rodas

Plastic surgery



What risks does this procedure present?

When a qualified specialist performs a nose job, the risks are rare, but there may be complications in some patients, such as bleeding, infection, or an adverse reaction to anesthesia. However, these difficulties can be reduced by carefully following the plastic surgeon's instructions after surgery.

Other specific risks may include the following:

  • Difficulty breathing due to the bandages.
  • Numbness inside the nose.
  • Persistent scarring, pain, and swelling.
  • Small broken vessels in the skin.
  • Septum perforation.
  • Revision surgery.

If you have strong doubts regarding a nose Job in Tijuana, do not hesitate to consult with your trusted doctor.

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How should you prepare for a nose job?

Before planning the procedure, you should meet with one of the best plastic surgeons in Mexico so you can determine if the method will work for you. For example, he will examine some of the following questions:

  • Clinical references. Your doctor will likely ask why you want to have this surgery and what your goals are. In addition, he will want to know about your state of health, if you have had surgery, and what medications you take. It is vital that you give all those details to the specialist
  • Physical tests. All necessary lab tests will be performed. Likewise, the doctor will review all your facial characteristics, both internal and external parts of your nose. This evaluation will guide the surgeon in determining which changes need to be made and which may affect the operation results.
  • Photos Photographs help your surgeon see the evaluation before and after surgery. On the other hand, you can use a computer program to show you what results are expected.
  • Discuss your perspectives. It may not be very comfortable to talk about your appearance, but if you are honest with your doctor and express your wishes and expectations, he will be able to tell you honestly what can be achieved and what cannot.

Once your procedure is scheduled, arrange for a family member or friend to be with you during your hospital stay and at home while you recover. Remember to stop smoking, drinking, and avoiding medications that cause nosebleeds, such as aspirin or ibuprofen, for a few weeks before and after the rhinoplasty in Mexico.

What will happen during the surgery?

During a nose job in Tijuana, the surgeon will apply local or general anesthesia. The expert can work inside the nose or through a small external incision at the base of the nose. He could possibly rectify the bones and change the shape of the cartilage, depending on its structure and available materials.

When the changes are minor, surgeons use cartilage removed from a deep fragment of the nose or ear. But if the changes are more significant, they use cartilage from a rib, implants, or bone from other parts of the body. After making these modifications, the specialist repositions the tissue and skin of the nose, then sutures the incisions.

After the procedure, the patient will need to remain in bed with his head elevated above chest level to reduce bleeding and swelling. In the meantime, avoid exercising, don't blow your nose, avoid facial expressions like laughing, brush your teeth gently, wear practical clothes, don't wear glasses, and always try to use sunscreen.

Most patients feel better within 2 days. Some feel able to return to work or school after a week. Even so, it is necessary that you take care of yourself for 3 weeks and avoid doing the activities already mentioned. Thus, during the previous months, the surgeon will be able to see the evolution and observe the final result.

You made your nose happy

Having a beautiful and functional nose can make you happy, as well as help you regain your self-confidence. Now that you know every detail of a nose job, we are sure that you will be able to make an excellent decision. Depending on the technique used by the specialist, the results will be stunning since you will obtain an enhancement that will complement your features in the best way.

Don't take too long, as you deserve the nose that will bring out the best features of yourself. Contact Health & Wellness Bazaar today; we are the best medical tourism agency in Mexico that can help you achieve the appearance you want; so schedule a consultation by calling (858) 779-2552 or emailing us at [email protected].

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