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10 FAQs About Tummy Tuck in Mexico

27 February, 2023

Over the years, the abdomen loses elasticity and muscles, and there is more flaccidity and accumulation of fat. Still, thanks to tummy tuck in Mexico, patients can obtain a flat stomach since it restores firmness to the structure of the abdomen. If you have any doubts regarding this procedure, it is worth learning more about this fantastic plastic surgery in Mexico.

Next, we have selected the 10 most frequently asked questions about a tummy tuck. In this way, you will have practical information that will allow you to make that vital decision to improve your body contour.

cost of tummy tuck in Mexico

Is tummy tuck in Mexico a good treatment for obesity?

Abdominoplasty is not an obesity treatment. It is a surgical procedure performed to remove excess skin and fat in the abdominal region and tighten the abdominal muscles, which can improve the area’s appearance and body contour. In some cases, other procedures can be combined according to each patient. For example, a tummy tuck can be undergone along with a lipo 360 in Mexico.

On the other hand, obesity is a complex medical condition that requires a different comprehensive treatment approach, which may include dietary changes, exercise, nutritional counseling, medications, and in some cases, bariatric surgery (abdominoplasty). If your problem is obesity, our Health & Wellness Bazaar surgeons will help you lose weight through bariatric surgery.

Will a tummy tuck leave the abdomen smooth and without stretch marks?

You should know that a tummy tuck in Mexico improves the silhouette and abdominal contour, leaving the skin smoother. This procedure can help remove stretch marks in the area between the navel and the pubis, but not those above the navel.

However, the result will depend on each patient’s skin type and the degree of muscle tension. For this reason, an examination before your surgery is highly recommended so that you are clear about what can and cannot be corrected, especially after pregnancy.

How is excess skin removed?

Once in the operating room, the professional will make a horizontal incision above the pubic hair. This incision can be made from the hip depending on how much skin and fat must be removed. After this weight, the skin on all three ribs is lifted and pulled downward to remove the remaining skin.

The incision is made around the belly button when performing a mini tummy tuck. The advantage is that the scars from these incisions are hidden behind the prepubic line. So, if you properly care for the scars, they will become almost invisible. After a year of the procedure, the appearance of the scars begins to improve, making them flatter and lighter.

Will the muscles improve after childbirth?

Abdominoplasty can improve the appearance of the abdominal musculature after childbirth, but it is not a procedure specifically designed to improve muscle function. During pregnancy, the abdominal muscles stretch to make room for the growing fetus; in some cases, they can pull apart. This separation is known as diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles and can result in a “floppy tummy” appearance after delivery.

A tummy tuck can help correct this separation and tighten the skin and abdominal muscles for a more toned appearance. Of course, a healthy lifestyle and exercise routine are essential to maintaining good shape and improving muscle strength.

Can you lead a normal life after a tummy tuck in Mexico?

Yes, it is possible to lead an everyday life after a tummy tuck in Mexico, but it is important to note that this is a major surgical procedure that requires adequate recovery time. During the first days after surgery, it is normal to feel pain, inflammation, and discomfort, have seromas, and use drains and pressure therapy belts.

However, you may need to avoid heavy lifting, strenuous exercise, and specific activities for the first few weeks after surgery. After a few weeks, you may feel well enough to return to your normal daily activities. 

Is a tummy tuck a safe technique, or does it have many complications?

At Health & Wellness Bazaar, safety is our priority. Therefore, for a tummy tuck to be safe, a balance must be found between the following factors:

  1. Experience of the selected team.
  2. Exhaustive evaluation.
  3. A plan adapted to your needs.
  4. Application of updated techniques.

Likewise, the hospital where you will undergo surgery must have good assistance, especially during the postoperative period, including lymphatic drainage, so that the result is of quality and the abdominoplasty is safe.

What type of anesthesia is used during the tummy tuck procedure?

In a tummy tuck in Mexico, general anesthesia keeps the patient completely asleep and pain-free during the procedure. In some cases, spinal anesthesia and sedation are used. Before surgery, the anesthesiologist will assess the patient’s health, considering medical history and medications. This is to determine the best anesthesia option and the appropriate dose. 

How many days of admission does a tummy tuck in Mexico need?

Patients can go home that same day if a mini tummy tuck is performed. However, in most complex surgeries, we recommend at least one day of hospital admission for your safety so that you will be in constant observation. The best plastic surgeons in Mexico will ensure everything is normal. The recovery time in first class facilities are included when you ask how much are tummy tucks in Mexico.

What postoperative care do you need after a procedure?

For the first 3 days, you will need help with regular daily tasks, such as getting ready, getting up, or moving around; for this reason, it is advised to:

  • Be accompanied the first week.
  • Walk gradually.
  • Wear comfortable clothing, preferably baggy.
  • Avoid unnecessary efforts that may cause bleeding or the opening of the sutures.

On the other hand, to avoid possible complications, you should follow the surgeon’s recommendations and go for reviews and possible cures. Therefore, you should keep the postoperative garment for the recommended time.

Where can you make your first consultation for a tummy tuck?

Although each case is different and the solutions for each patient change, you must find experienced specialists in reconstructive plastic surgery who attend high-quality facilities so that you are in the best possible hands without worrying too much.

At Health & Wellness Bazaar, we have first-class facilities and board-certified plastic surgeons. So, if you want to enjoy a flat and firm stomach through a tummy tuck, need more information about other procedures such as Mexico breast augmentation and weight loss surgery in Mexico, or want to know the cost of a tummy tuck in Mexico, do not hesitate to contact us and schedule a FREE consultation at (858) 779-2552 or email us at [email protected].

Mexico plastic surgery


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