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8 Frequently Asked Questions About Breast Augmentation in Tijuana

2 March, 2023

breast augmentation in Tijuana


Breasts are one of the parts of the body that distinguish feminine beauty and make a woman feel comfortable and confident with herself. Now, the reality is that not all manage to obtain the desired results naturally since genetics, age, and other factors can play against it. Even so, there is nothing impossible to improve for plastic surgery, so breast augmentation in Tijuana is an excellent alternative. Discover the most common frequently asked questions (FAQ) about this procedure. 

  1. Who are candidates for breast augmentation in Tijuana?
  2. Who is not a suitable candidate for breast augmentation in Tijuana?
  3. What are the most frequent reasons for breast augmentation in Tijuana?
  4. Can implants rupture? 
  5. Is it possible to breastfeed after breast augmentation? 
  6. What is the safest type of implant for breast augmentation?
  7. How long will it take to see the results of my breast augmentation?
  8. Is it a reversible procedure?


And something more to consider: Where is the best place to undergo breast augmentation? Well, let’s start with the first FAQ.

Who are candidates for breast augmentation?

Breast augmentation is an excellent alternative for those women who are in good physical health, are emotionally stable, maintain a healthy weight, have realistic expectations, and understand what this surgery entails. Since it is a major surgery, it is performed under general anesthesia. A good state of health reduces the risks of complications and favors good recovery. 

Who is not a suitable candidate for breast augmentation in Tijuana?

Although most women who want to increase breast sizes are young, the breasts must be fully developed. Otherwise, growth can affect the results of breast augmentation in Tijuana. It is also not recommended that pregnant or breastfeeding women undergo this surgery. Those who experience this breast augmentation surgery for social pressure or pleasing someone should think twice. Likewise, motivation is fundamental. 

What are the most frequent reasons for breast augmentation in Tijuana?

When it comes to beauty, there is a wide variety of opinions and prespectives. Most women who possess tiny breasts have the desire to increase their size. However, there are also other reasons, such as the effects of pregnancy or drastic weight loss, where the breasts can look flaccid and have lost volume.

In fact, some bariatric patients undergo post-bariatric surgery combining treatments such as breast augmentation, liposuction, and arm lift in Mexico. On the other hand, some choose reconstruction after a mastectomy, where different techniques are combined for an augmentation mammoplasty, including the placement of implants. 

Can implants rupture? 

The answer is yes. Although the prostheses are placed in strategic points of the chest muscle, they are usually resistant, and you can perform activities with total normality. The reality is that time can cause a break in the outer cover.

Therefore, it is essential to follow your doctor’s care instructions and be aware of any significant changes in the breast. Sometimes the rupture turns out to be silent, but common symptoms include lack of firmness, numbness, tingling, pain, or small lumps around the breast, armpit, or arm.

Is it possible to breastfeed after breast augmentation in Tijuana? 

Yes. Although specialists recommend at least waiting a year after your cosmetic surgery since, naturally, the breast tissues will be healing and adapting to the implant. So, after breast augmentation, the ability to secrete milk should not be affected, and a young woman can breastfeed after pregnancy, especially those with implants placed behind the pectoral muscle.

It is also necessary to remember that after breastfeeding, the breasts may look sagging, so you may require corrective surgery such as a breast lift. So if you are planning to get pregnant, you can discuss with a specialist if it is best to wait a while for your surgery. 

What is the safest type of implant for breast augmentation?

Various brands, shapes, and types of breast implants are increasingly innovative, such as gummy bear implants. In reality, the one used for each case can depend as much on the patient’s countenance as the expectations he wants to achieve. Similarly, the type of placement is either periareolar, transaxillary, or inframammary incisions.

The FDA requires medical providers to have institution-approved materials and clear labels for excellent safety. As for the materials, there are silicone or gel breast implants that are prefilled and saline fillers. These seconds are highly recommended because the body, in case of rupture, absorbs the solution.

How long will it take to see the results of my breast augmentation?

When it comes to any plastic surgery, it is necessary to remember that the results are not immediate. In addition, the time can vary from one person to another and from one procedure to another. That is, it will not be the same recovery time from a breast augmentation as from a facelift in Tijuana since the depth at which you work is different.

You will have bruising, swelling, and other symptoms after breast augmentation for the first few months. It will be until 6 months when more visible results will be noticed. However, the total recovery is estimated to be around 12 months. 

Is it a reversible procedure?

Yes. Breast prostheses used for breast augmentation can be removed whenever the patient chooses. Although it is uncommon, in some cases where continuous discomfort occurs, an illness has developed, or simply due to personal preferences, a specialist may suggest its withdrawal.

If the surgery was recent, removing it through the same scar where it was placed is possible, recovering its original appearance and breast size. However, in those cases where the surgery was performed several years ago, it must be taken into account that the skin and firmness will not be the same again. The breasts are likely a little droopy and with an unaesthetic appearance. 

Where is the best place to undergo breast augmentation?

Of course, the success of the surgery will depend mainly on the patient’s chosen place and surgeon. Fortunately, world-class medical tourism agencies like Health & Wellness Bazaar are dedicated to offering the best medical services, including breast augmentation in Tijuana. You can find a network of the best plastic surgeons in Mexico recognized for your excellent work and quickly contact them through [email protected] or call (858) 779 2552. Contact us and find out if the breast augmentation procedure is for you.

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