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8 Tips to Ensure Fat Survival After a Brazilian Butt Lift in Tijuana

6 February, 2023

Brazilian Butt Lift in Tijuana

There is no denying that the Brazilian butt lift in Tijuana has become the most sought-after cosmetic procedure. In Hollywood, you may have heard that some celebrities have opted for this body remodeling surgery, like Kim Kardashian or Jennifer Lopez, to highlight their femininity. If you want to enhance your femininity, you can opt for this low-risk procedure.

Since surgery uses body fat to improve the appearance of the buttocks, some patients wonder how long fat survives in the buttocks and what they can do to prolong the retention of fat cells. Next, we will tell you eight tips that you can consider to take utmost care of yourself and maintain prominent and curvaceous buttocks:

  1. Follow the guidelines of plastic surgeons.
  2. Wear compression garments correctly.
  3. Maintain a healthy lifestyle.
  4. Avoid sleeping on your back and putting pressure on your buttocks.
  5. Do not drive for three weeks after your butt lift.
  6. Avoid smoking.
  7. Don’t do strenuous activities.
  8. Avoid massive weight loss.

What is the rate of fat duration after a Brazilian Butt Lift in Tijuana?

Interestingly, more than 90% of the fat survives after a butt lift. However, in some cases, it decreases between 20 and 30%. Why? Because the body has a natural tendency to absorb the fat transferred to the buttocks. For this reason, most plastic surgeons, considering this, inject additional fat to make up for fat loss after the procedure.

Although the Brazilian butt lift in Tijuana is a safe technique, remember that the results will depend mainly on how the surgery is performed, the professional, and the care you have after the procedure. The first step of the process is extracting the fat, which will determine the survival rate since if the fat is damaged or dies during the process, this will affect the results.

Once extracted, the surgeon purifies the fat before injecting it into the buttocks. With this purification, the dead and injured cells will be separated, and only the living and healthy fat cells will be collected to transfer them to the buttocks. But how to ensure maximum fat retention after the procedure?

Carefully follow your plastic surgeon’s guidelines

One of the best ways to maximize fat stability after butt lift surgery is to choose your plastic surgeon carefully. The professional should be highly qualified and have extensive experience in fat removal, purification, and injection. Also, make sure that the plastic surgeon is board certified.

Use special compression garments correctly

You must wear compression garments for weeks after your surgery BBL in Mexico, as they will help improve the recovery process and prevent pressure on the fat grafts until they are strong and vascularized enough. These types of garments are designed for this purpose. Otherwise, if they are not used, the death of fat cells can occur, which in turn would reverse the final results.

Make sure you maintain a healthy lifestyle

The fat injected into the buttocks will behave the same as the fat in other areas of the body, so you must eat well after surgery and feed the fat cells. Therefore, ensure your diet is rich in nutrients, so that fat cells survive for at least the first six weeks.

Try to eat almonds, salmon, butter, avocados, and coconut oil, because these will help keep your body fat in proportion. Also, drink plenty of water to stay hydrated, thus keeping your body full of essential electrolytes, minerals, and salts.

 how much is a Brazilian buttock lift in Mexico

Avoid sleeping on your back and putting pressure on your buttocks for two to three weeks after surgery

Usually, the fat cells that are injected are delicate for at least two to three weeks after a BBL Mexico. Therefore, sleeping on your back or sitting during this time can damage or kill the fat grafts, which can cause a reversal of the results obtained.

On the other hand, sleeping on your stomach and side during this time can be overwhelming and exhausting, but never forget that this is a tradeoff for the better aesthetics you will achieve. After three weeks, you can go back-to-back, sleeping and sitting up gradually, but don’t put too much-prolonged pressure on your back, and while sitting, keep a soft cushion under your buttocks and a rolled towel to rest on.

Do not drive for three weeks after a butt lift

Driving before three weeks have passed can put pressure and force on the buttocks, damaging newly attached fat cells. Driving also involves leg movements and efforts that can also affect fat cells. Generally, fat needs at least two weeks to be vascularized, so you’ll have to wait before driving again. After three weeks have passed and you start driving, be sure to place a soft cushion under your buttocks.

Avoid smoking

Smoking can affect the recovery process and the vascularity of fat cells. This impedes the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the fat grafts so that the fat cells are weakened and then dissolved. So, if you are a smoker, you should stop smoking at least two weeks before surgery and avoid smoking for six weeks after a Brazilian butt lift in Tijuana.

Do not do strenuous activities for six weeks

You must get enough rest during the recovery period. Although you can return to work two to three weeks after the operation, you should avoid strenuous activities for six weeks. For example, you should avoid exercises, stretching, push-ups, weight lifting, jogging, etc., as these activities can complicate the final results of fat cells.

Avoid massive weight loss

Significant weight loss anytime after surgery can affect a Brazilian butt lift in Tijuana. Weight loss affects the fat of the buttocks in the same way as other areas of the body. Massive weight loss can dilute the cells thanks and affect their survival rate. This is why patients should avoid massive weight loss and keep their weight stable after the procedure to maintain the effects longer.

Experience the best Brazilian butt lift in Tijuana

The tips above can help you keep the fat alive after a butt lift. The good news is that with the help of the Health & Wellness Bazaar experts and your efforts, you can guarantee extraordinary and lasting buttocks for a long time.

Schedule your appointment today with one of the best professionals at Health & Wellness Bazaar so you can show off the buttocks of your dreams and feel fulfilled. The best version of yourself starts by calling us today at (858) 779-2552 or emailing us at [email protected].

Brazilian butt lift in Mexico


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