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How Safe is Gastric Sleeve Surgery in Mexico?

12 January, 2023

Gastric Sleeve Surgery in Mexico

With the new year, many of us have set goals that we want to achieve. These may include learning a skill, improving a relationship, or taking better care of our health. These are all great goals, and we hope you can meet all of them. Others are contemplating gastric sleeve surgery in Mexico or other weight loss surgeries in Mexico to get the body they want. Will this be a good goal? And will it be safe to travel to Mexico and get this surgery?

It is worth first considering that a good goal gives you long-term satisfaction. An objective that makes you happy not just for a moment but gives you a permanent, fulfilling state. That is why for many of us, being able to control our weight is a worthy goal since being overweight often brings many complications that hinder our ability to enjoy life to the fullest.

We encourage you if you want to lose weight and are contemplating a weight loss surgery such as a gastric sleeve surgery in Mexico or a gastric bypass in Mexico. Other people have already made this decision and do not regret it. To get you started, here are some quick points to consider about weight loss procedures in Mexico:

  • They are one of the most popular surgeries performed outside of the United States for Americans
  • It is safe if you choose a good clinic and take proper precautions
  • Costs from $3,600 to $10,000, depending on the procedure

But of course, like any weighty decision in life, it is essential to analyze all your options and make sure that you choose the best one. For that, this blog will discuss the dangers of traveling to Mexico for weight loss surgery.

Weight loss surgery in Mexico – What are the dangers?

Let us talk about some dangers and how to avoid them. In addition, we will also touch on some myths that you should recognize and ignore.

  1. How safe is Mexico?

“A surgery in Mexico? Never, Mexico is a very dangerous place!” You may know someone who has this opinion, but is this real? No, that person may not have complete information or has some prejudice. And just as there are places in the United States or Canada that are dangerous, the same happens in Mexico. There are cities or areas in cities that you should avoid. But that does not mean that all cities are hazardous.

Thousands of tourists travel to Mexico without a problem and return whenever possible. Hundreds of cities and places in Mexico are very friendly and safe. It is for this reason that medical tourism has had a tremendous increase in Mexico in the past years.

Therefore, when considering a weight loss surgery in Mexico, ensure that the city you will be staying in is safe. For example, Tijuana is a city that invests significantly in foreigners due to its importance in the economy of this great city. At Health and Wellness Bazaar, we have found the best clinics that offer the best services in Tijuana and are very safe.

  1. Find a trusted surgeon

Finding a trusted surgeon is one of the most critical points. Weight loss surgery in Mexico will be successful mainly because of your chosen surgeon. But are there good doctors in Mexico? Yes. For this, you must ensure the quality of the doctor treating you and the medical team supporting him.

Americans and Canadians have been traveling to Mexico for years to receive safe and high-quality bariatric surgeries, and they keep returning. If you do your research on weight loss surgeons, you can find options with excellent safety records.

Weight loss surgery in Mexico

What can you do to ensure you find the best option? Be informed, ask lots of questions, and plan as much as possible to minimize risk. If you do, you will find the best surgeons in the region, and your surgery will succeed. In Health and Wellness Bazar, we have a section on our website where you can find all the essential information about the doctors that provide their premium services to all patients that choose us.

  1. Hospitals and accredited clinics

Perhaps you have seen a movie where “hospitals” are seen in Mexico, and they look like houses of terror. But again, that is not real. In Mexico, you can find hospitals with the highest accreditations compared with the services of countries such as the United States or Canada.

For example, the Mexican Ministry of Health (or “The General Health Council”) exists in Mexico. This council offers a reputable accreditation known as the CSG, similar to accreditations in the USA. The CSG accreditation has specific standards of caring for international patient safety. 

So how can you ensure that your hospital or clinic is of excellent quality and safe? Here are some recommendations:

  • Contact the hospital directly and share your safety concerns. Ask them (1) why they’re the safest option and (2) whether they are CSG accredited and, if not, how their safety compares to a CSG accredited facility. 
  • Search online forums for reviews on that clinic or hospital.
  • Ask for at least 3 patient references who have used the specific surgeon and hospital you will use. 
  • Search online forums for patient reviews of the surgeons and hospitals you’re considering.

Gastric Sleeve Surgery in Mexico: Achieve your goals and get the body of your dreams

Others have already achieved it and obtained the body of their dreams. With this new year, you have a great opportunity ahead of you. At Health and Wellness Bazar, we can help you connect with the best weight loss specialists in the region. On our site, you can find a catalog with a wide variety of surgeries, from a gastric sleeve surgery in Mexico to operations to improve the shape of your body.

Are you ready? This year can be your year. Do not wait any longer; meet your goals and objectives and start living the best life possible. If you want to know more, contact us on our website, call us at (858) 779-2552, or email us at [email protected]. We will be happy to help you and start this amazing journey for a better life.

Medical Tourism Mexico


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