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Dentures and Dental Implants in Mexico: What Is The Best Option?

4 February, 2023

dental implants in Mexico

Did you know that smiling is not only associated with charisma and image? Experts say that smiling stimulates the feeling of well-being, strengthens the immune system, and secretes substances beneficial to health. However, the loss of a tooth can prevent you from smiling freely. That is why thousands of patients are looking for alternatives such as dental implants in Mexico

But is it the best option? What about dentures? Learn how to choose:

What are the most common dental prosthesis types?

Currently, dental tourism in Mexico offers excellent advantages to replace those pieces that have been lost either due to age, necessary dental extractions, or eventful circumstances. In either case, losing a tooth can cause self-esteem problems and the basic functions of speaking and eating naturally. 


Three most common types of dental prostheses

  • Removable prostheses. – Dentures are of this kind of prosthesis since they are adapted to the shape of the gum so that they can be easily removed and put on. They are recommended when the patient no longer has any teeth. 
  • Removable metal prostheses. – They are also known as skeletal prostheses, which are implant-supported; that is, they rest on metal hooks and teeth next to the missing piece. So, they are ideal for replacing unique teeth. 
  • Fixed prostheses. – Also known as dental implants. The dental implant procedure is surgical. Based on a CT scan, metal screws are inserted into the bone, which works as a replacement for the root of the missing tooth, from which an artificial tooth is supported, restoring the function of a natural tooth. 


Advantages and Disadvantages of Dentures vs Dental Implants in Mexico

Did you know that dental tourism in Mexico is one of the promoters of dental implants? The main reason is that this is a modern and specialized dental treatment that is not used and recommended by all dentists. While it is true that it is a treatment of greater complexity, it can also offer significant benefits to those who have lost one or more teeth.

Here are some of the most prominent advantages and disadvantages:


Advantages of dental implants 

  • It does not require adhesives for retention. Unlike dentures that require the application of adhesives every day, the dental implant does not require the placement of adhesives since fixed support supports it.  
  • You can choose materials that are highly resistant to breakage or stains. The two most common materials in dental implants in Tijuana are titanium, which is lightweight yet resistant. In addition to zirconium, a white material that has a great hardness. 
  • It prevents bone wear due to the lack of teeth. The reason is that the implant has an osseointegration process that exerts pressure similar to the natural tooth, preventing bone loss and making the need for a bone graft less likely.  
  • Easy maintenance. Dentures should be removed for cleaning because they can accumulate more dirt and cause bad breath due to movement. Instead, the dental care process of dental implants is the same as that of all-natural teeth,
  • Natural look. An expert specialist will ensure that your implants’ material, texture, shape, and color are as similar as possible to your natural tooth. But not only that, but they also bring a natural feeling.

dental tourism in Mexico

Disadvantages of dental implants

  • Higher cost. One reality is that the cost of dental implants is generally higher than dentures. However, we must bear in mind that these provide greater functionality and quality of life and may have more durability than other treatments.
  • Longer recovery. The placement of implants requires surgery. Although implant surgery is a minimally invasive process, patients experience a postoperative stage, healing, and osseointegration after the placement of the artificial tooth. 
  • Not everyone is a candidate for a dental implant. Dental implants in Mexico are a specialized procedure that is not for everyone. To be successful, candidates must possess enough bone tissue, not be smokers, and have their diseases controlled, among others. 


Advantages and Disadvantages of dentures vs dental implant

Dentures are an excellent alternative that can help you recover the image of your smile. When we talk about the cosmetic issue, it can be a great option since this method is ideal for those who have lost many teeth since the complete smile can be restored. It is often one of the most used methods by dentists in Mexico and developed countries.

Here are some of its advantages and disadvantages:


  • Its placement is simple. Dentures are a non-invasive procedure. That is to say that it does not require surgery. Therefore, its placement consists of taking a gum mold and then, about one or two weeks, it is placed.
  • Cheaper cost. Unlike the cost of dental implants in Mexico, in most cases,  dentures are resin, a durable but much cheaper material. And considering that a complete denture can be placed, it is economically accessible. 
  • No recovery stage is required. For the placement of a denture, no anesthesia is required. Tests may be done to verify its functionality and measurement, but it does not require a recovery stage.
  • Most qualify to be a candidate. Because the patient does not need to undergo surgery, most are practically recommended for anyone,



  • It can give you a sense of insecurity. Afraid of your teeth falling out in public? Dentures often provide a feeling of constant insecurity since they are more unstable when eating and talking because they have temporary support. 
  • Remove and put process. Dentures require that they be removed every day before sleeping for cleaning. This is not only a tedious routine, but there is also a greater likelihood of gum inflammation and oral infections, and many generate a feeling of aging.
  • It does not stop the loss of bone tissue. Unlike dental implants, dentures do not prevent bone loss since their placement is superficial. Therefore, there is no internal support that binds the bone structure. 
  • It requires constant alignment. Some specialists recommend going to your dentist every 6 or 12 months for review since the gum can change shape over time, and it is necessary to make adjustments. 


What is the best prosthetic option?

That will depend on the circumstances of each patient. One reality is that they can affect both the economic conditions and the physical and dental condition of each person. Therefore, if you are looking for full-mouth dental implants or just a few pieces, always look for the best specialists. These are distinguished not only by their expertise in implant dentistry but also by staying ahead of the curve with the most modern techniques and procedures.

Do you want to know more about dental implants in Mexico? Discover everything this advanced technology can offer when choosing dental tourism in Mexico! Contact a specialist today through the email [email protected] or call (858) 779 2552 clear your doubts and know which is the best procedure for you. Start the process of recovering your radiant smile.

dental implants in Tijuana


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