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Discover How Much Is a Lipo 360 In Mexico and Get Ready to Shine

11 May, 2023

A lipo 360, also known as liposculpture, is one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries in modern times, as it promises radical changes. However, is it accessible? With the advancements in medicine and other areas related to aesthetics and beauty, there has been an increase in costs globally. So, how much is a Lipo 360 in Mexico?

How much is a lipo 360 in Mexico

It should be noted that the next economic recession in the US could bring significant changes to the general economy, particularly for popular products and services, such as plastic and bariatric surgeries. Despite the constant changes, the growth of patients in these areas has hardly been affected, but prices remain somewhat high.

In the USA, the cost of Liposuction 360 ranges from $8,000 to $15,000, depending on the area to be treated. Although a percentage of the population can indeed afford such procedures, a significant portion cannot, making it more feasible for them to travel to obtain similar results at a lower cost. It is recommended that individuals research and learn more about it and its positive results. But before talking about the price and medical tourism, discover all you need to know about Lipo 360.


What is a Lipo 360?

Liposuction 360, also known as liposculpture, is a surgical procedure that involves the extraction of excess fat from the body and defining the natural figure. This procedure is mostly applied to areas like the abdominal area, back, arms, and double chin.

In parts of the body such as the thighs and ankles, it is less common for fat to be extracted, since the fat accumulated in those parts provides a balanced appearance to the rest of the body once a complete recovery has been achieved, although there are cases in which the patient may also decide to reduce some of the contours of the thighs and legs.

The final result of the surgery varies depending on the patient’s preferences, but the goal is to achieve muscle definition without the need for a strict diet or heavy exercise routine. In many cases, the lack of availability of time or the vague results in fat loss despite exercising is what leads many people to find this solution.

Before undergoing this surgery in Mexico, some things must be taken into consideration, such as postoperative symptoms:

  • Mild pain past the effect of anesthesia 
  • Visible bruises in the treated areas 
  • Moderate inflammation

These symptoms or signs after the intervention usually disappear completely after thirty days, and before that, patients can return to their work activities in a few days. However, there are also relevant measures to achieve a comfortable and effective recovery, such as:

  • Placing a compression bandage
  • Placing a drain in some cases to remove fluids from the wound
  • Prescribing one or two medications to prevent pain and inflammation

Just as in tummy tuck in Mexico, it is best to avoid doing too much physical effort in the first few days of recovery to prevent fluid retention and eat a diet low in sodium or saturated fat to avoid bloating. After passing these stages, the desired physical aspect will become known. As mentioned before, the results may vary according to preferences. Let’s see some examples and other benefits that can be obtained.

tummy tuck in Mexico


What kind of results can I get with a Lipo 360?

While the bone and muscle structure of males and females have many similarities, the distribution of body fat is a key factor that distinguishes their appearances. Certain areas tend to accumulate fat or take on a particular shape due to muscle development, ultimately determining the overall aesthetic of the body. As such, fat plays a crucial role in determining a body’s appearance.

For instance, the female body tends to develop a mass of fat in the breast region surrounding the nipples, resulting in a more prominent bust area. However, men can also accumulate fat in this area, but it is dispersed evenly and not in concentrated clusters.

The distribution of accumulated fat just beneath the pelvic bone can determine whether the hips appear more masculine or feminine. Men typically do not accumulate fat in this area but rather have muscle and cartilage due to the space between the pelvis and the main thigh bone.

These two examples can help you better understand how body fat accumulation can affect your appearance and ultimately help you decide what is best for you. By undergoing a fat reduction procedure, you can expect to experience a variety of benefits, including:

  • increased self-esteem
  • the ability to wear new styles of clothing that previously didn’t fit well
  • the ability to wear smaller sizes

Additionally, you will likely experience a reduction in physical fatigue and exhaustion during both moderate and high-intensity activities, making it easier to maintain an active lifestyle. Finally, with the removal of stubborn fat, following a healthy diet may become easier.

While these benefits are general, you can also achieve more specific results based on your individual preferences. For example, if you wish to enhance your hips by removing excess fat from your waist and abdomen, a fat reduction procedure can help. Similarly, if you’re a man who exercises regularly but struggles to lose unwanted fat, Lipo 360 can help you achieve the defined look you desire. It’s important to note, however, that the viability of undergoing this procedure may vary depending on your location.


How much is a Lipo 360 in Mexico? A price that is within your reach

With the economic recession looming in the United States, many people are considering options to improve their financial situation. One such option is to explore medical tourism in countries like Mexico, which offers highly trained medical specialists and excellent resources for basic and aesthetic procedures.

The average cost of plastic surgery in Mexico is significantly lower than in the United States, with a complete package averaging around 8,000 USD or less than 4,000 USD for popular body modifications. In contrast, the cost of these procedures continues to rise in the United States, with a Lipo 360 costing on average 15,000 USD.

If you are interested in exploring medical tourism in Tijuana for world-class plastic surgery in Mexico or weight loss surgery in Mexico, which includes gastric bypass and gastric sleeve in Mexico, Health and Wellness Bazaar can help you find a reputable clinic and package that meets your needs. Contact us at [email protected] or call us at 858 779 2552 for a free evaluation. Don’t wait any longer and let us help you in your improvement journey!

gastric sleeve in Mexico


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