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Why Is Surgery Cheaper in Mexico? Can Cheap and Safe Go Hand-in-Hand?

12 May, 2023

“Health is priceless”. These words highlight the value of a person’s physical well-being. In the same way, when it comes to surgery, health care should be a priority for both surgeons and patients themselves regardless of age or cost. But what if the procedure is cheap? Should I be suspicious? Why is surgery cheaper in Mexico? Discover the relationship between cheap and personal well-being. 

why is surgery cheaper in Mexico

True or False? Essential aspects of price and quality to know why is surgery cheaper in Mexico

  • It doesn’t matter if it’s a clinic or a hospital.

False. The surgical facilities where you will undergo surgery do matter, so the cost should not condition the type of facilities. Keep in mind that both the cost and the procedure may vary. That is, the skin removal surgery cost in Mexico can be vastly different from that of a Botox application in Mexico, but they require quite different medical equipment. Whenever it is plastic surgery and not an outpatient procedure it is necessary to look for an equipped and safe hospital center.


  • It is crucial to choose a board-certified plastic surgeon in Mexico

True. In Mexico, there are official organizations that regulate the credentials of plastic surgeons such as CMCPER. Through simple steps and basic information from your bariatric, plastic, and penuma surgeon in Mexico you can know if he has a certification and if it is current. When choosing to not skip this step since some cheap services are offered by supposed doctors who do not have a complete medical certification or training. Putting yourself in the hands of someone who is not a board-certified plastic surgeon can put not only your results but your life at risk.


  • I must choose based on my budget.

False. While it is true that the cost should be realistic within your budget, getting carried away only by the price can expose you to dangers. Especially if the service or surgery in Mexico that they offer you is too low compared to the prices of the same country or they pressure you to take advantage of an offer this can be a red flag. Your health is a priority so before choosing and making sure it meets high-quality standards, it would be highly beneficial to get facts and answer the question: is surgery in Mexico safe? And is Tijuana safe?

Is Tijuana safe


Why is surgery cheaper in Mexico? 10 factors that will let you know if a procedure is safe.

  1. Your plastic surgeon in Mexico must be board certified.
  2. Facilities must be hygienic and equipped to deal with emergencies.
  3. You must have a complete medical team including the services of other specialists such as an anesthesiologist.
  4. You must have good references from other doctors or patients who have already been treated there.
  5. Information about your services should not be limited, but honest and transparent.
  6. Have a good follow-up of your services. 
  7. Staff must have bilingual ability to establish good communication
  8. Your rates are clear. 
  9. Your plastic surgeon in Tijuana must be willing to answer all your questions. 
  10. Medical studies and a previous diagnosis must be conducted to evaluate if the physical condition of the applicant is suitable.

Why is surgery cheaper in Mexico? Learn the facts and answers

Currently, medical tourism in Mexico and medical tourism in Tijuana have become great options for those looking for affordable and quality medical or aesthetic treatment when questioned about why surgery in Mexico is cheaper. For many, it may be too true that surgery is up to 80% cheaper than in countries such as the United States and Canada. However, it is necessary to take into account several important reasons why this happens. 

To begin with, it is necessary to take into account which country we are comparing it to. If we take as a reference the United States, Canada, or European countries, clearly the cost of living is higher, and therefore medical services as well. In fact, even medicines in Mexico are up to 85% cheaper than in these countries. The same goes for the cost of consultations, surgeons’ fees, and hospitalization. 

On the other hand, in Mexico, the cost of living is lower, and the currency exchange makes the dollar more valuable. That is, if you travel from abroad, you can pay more with less and even have access to first-class services. This benefits the economy of patients since plastic or weight loss surgeries are not usually covered by medical insurance, so when you come to Mexico you do not have to go into debt to pay for the cosmetic procedures you are looking for. 

On the other hand, it is worth mentioning that many cosmetic surgery candidates are considering the possible economic recession that the United States may experience in the coming months. Some experts claim that this is imminent because costs are increasing considerably for all services and products. So, to avoid getting into debt through a loan, some prefer to travel to Mexico as medical tourists. 


Choose safe and highest-quality medical care and surgery in Mexico! 

Is it possible to find safe and quality medical services at an affordable price? Yes. Through a reliable medical tourism agency such as Health & Wellness Bazaar. You can choose a certified plastic, bariatric and penuma surgeon in Mexico through its select network of doctors, as well as receive medical care in hospital centers with first-level facilities. It also receives a realistic budget of what all medical and accommodation expenses include without fear of surprise rates and analyzes the opinion of those who have already undergone plastic surgery through medical tourism.

If you are looking for plastic surgery or weight loss surgery in Mexico, discover for yourself the advantages of traveling abroad and know why surgery is cheaper in Mexico. If you would like to receive a free consultation you can call (858) 779 2552 or email [email protected] Having access to safe and best-quality procedures in Mexico does not have to be something inaccessible. Take the first step to meet your goals and improve your well-being with medical tourism Mexico.

skin removal surgery cost in Mexico


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