Without the help of others, it is impossible to achieve the goals in life. This vital truth is fulfilled repeatedly in every success story. Such is the case of bariatric patients who have overcome obesity with the help, guidance, and support of those around them. We refer both to your friends and family who motivate you, as well as to the bariatric surgeon in Tijuana and the specialists who will provide you with tools during the process.
All of the above, added to the perseverance and effort of the patients, have made it possible for many people to lose weight and have a better quality of life. If you are trying to lose weight or are about to start a program at the Tijuana bariatric center, it will be beneficial to understand the factors that influence how we eat. Thus, you will be better prepared to make important changes in your life.
Has it happened to you that when you try to lose weight, everything seems to conspire against you? Invitations to eat unhealthy food, the environment, and even your metabolism can get in the way of your weight loss plans. The mere fact of thinking about a diet already begins to produce a greater appetite. They are much more normal challenges than you imagine, but it is possible to overcome them.
By studying the causes of obesity, significant research has shown that losing weight is not just about willpower. Instead, physiological, emotional, and behavioral processes negatively or positively influence a person’s weight. An experienced bariatric surgeon in Tijuana always encourages his patients to be well informed about how their body works and what will happen in the process to avoid falling in the attempt.
Before considering weight loss surgery in Mexico or trying another method, it is necessary to take into account that each person has their own weight pattern. Both his genetics, his upbringing, the habits formed throughout life, his emotions, and his physical state will influence why he gains weight and the reasons why it is difficult for him to lose it.
A renowned bariatric surgeon in Tijuana compared it to an anchor, factors that, even if you try to escape, sometimes make you go back. But why does this happen? Next, we will talk about how some hormones work in appetite:
Ghrelin is a hormone that regulates hunger. When our stomach is empty, an increased amount of ghrelin begins to be produced, which sends a signal to the brain to tell the body that it is ready to receive food intake. Therefore, our natural sense of survival prompts us to search for food sources.
Some of the most common signs are that the stomach begins to rumble and increased saliva production, among others. These signals dissipate when we start eating food. As we fill up, ghrelin levels begin to drop. At the same time, leptin kicks in.
Leptin is a hunger-suppressing hormone released by our fat cells and transported through the blood. Leptin plays a vital role in energy metabolism; that is, it indicates the energy levels in the body. The function of this hormone is that when our stomach is full, leptin levels increase, and it sends a satiety signal to the brain in addition to metabolizing glucose.
However, leptin resistance occurs when the stomach has received enough food, and our leptin levels are high, but the brain does not pick up the satiety signal. Dr. Jenkinson likens it to a bad gas tank gauge, which can give a false alarm that you need fuel when the tank is full. This imbalance causes you to spend less energy and eat more
This hormone is a substance that is produced in the pancreas. In turn, the pancreas is responsible for metabolizing glucose levels in the blood. Studies indicate that there is a significant relationship between people with high insulin levels and weight gain. Whether it’s because you have diabetes or eat insulin-promoting foods, you can gain weight.
Sometimes we make mistakes unconsciously. It’s not just about leveling blood glucose but also controlling calorie intake based on physical activity. In this way, the cells can be prevented from receiving more glucose than they require. Otherwise, such accumulated glucose will be converted into fat.
Many factors can influence hormones not to work correctly. Therefore, we eat much more food than we need. Some of these have to do with diseases such as hypothyroidism, which cause an imbalance in the transplantation of the organism and the function of the hormones that regulate hunger.
However, some habits impact not only weight but also how our body processes satiety and appetite signals. Before qualifying for gastric sleeve or bypass surgery, a bariatric surgeon in Tijuana will evaluate both your medical history and habits. In this way, she will design a personalized program so that you can lose weight without the rebound effect.
Did you know that there are foods that cause leptin resistance? Both fast food, junk food, sugary drinks, cookies, and the combination of fat and sugar and starches and fats can be very appetizing, but unfortunately, these same ones will make us eat without stopping.
An important bariatric surgeon in Tijuana researcher, Dr. Jenkinson, commented that usually when we diet, we decide to avoid fat at all costs, and we can replace it with carbohydrates. Which is a big mistake as this can have a detrimental effect. Instead, balancing the diet and reducing the average of sugars, carbohydrates, and fats is necessary.
Sometimes, obesity is the product of the sum of small habits or behavior cycles that harm us. Researcher Van den Akker from Centerdata in the Netherlands found that the brain associates hunger with behavior patterns. Or, put another way, the brain can associate hunger with schedules and habits.
That is if after eating, you sit on the sofa to watch the phone or television, and you also have a dessert, some chips, or another snack, then your brain will relate all these elements and create a cycle of behavior. Even if you are full, whenever you go to the sofa, you want to eat something else.
Have you heard of emotional eating? Bariatric surgeon in Tijuana have seen that those who suffer from emotional problems such as depression and anxiety or manage high levels of stress can create a relationship of attachment to food. Thus, when they feel bad, eating large meals, especially sugary foods, gives them a deceptive sense of well-being.
That’s why learning to manage emotions, and lower stress and cortisone levels can promote weight loss. Those who undergo weight loss surgery in Mexico use constant exercise and good rest habits, and sometimes they help psychological therapy to change their relationship with food.
However, does this mean that losing weight is out of your control no matter how hard you try? Of course not, the body is indeed in control, but you greatly influence your body. At the Tijuana bariatric center, you can get all the tools you need to induce your body to function in a way that benefits you.
If you want to know more about losing weight effectively, we remind you to contact our specialists as soon as possible. You can email us at [email protected] or call (858) 779 2552, and with the help of a bariatric surgeon in Tijuana and an expert weight loss team, you will achieve your goals.