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How Do I Know If I Am a Good Candidate for Liposuction in Tijuana?

7 April, 2023

To have a successful liposuction in Tijuana, your surgeon must meet fundamental requirements such as being board certified. In the same way, the hospital you choose must have protocols and legal requirements that provide security guarantees. But are these the only factors to consider? No, those who want to undergo this fantastic surgery in Tijuana, Mexico, must also have other essential requirements. Find out what they are.

liposuction in Tijuana

Evaluate the condition of each patient before liposuction in Tijuana

Can anyone undergo liposuction? Is this technique so simple that it is unnecessary to meet specific requirements? The answer to both questions is no. Since liposuction is a cosmetic surgery that aims to improve physical appearance, some think there are no significant requirements for the patient. So, if a medical center offers you an attractively low liposuction cost in Mexico without checking your condition or having a previous consultation, then you know that they are not a good choice.

The reality is that although the liposuction procedure is minimally invasive compared to other plastic surgeries, this does not mean that there is no risk. It is necessary to bear in mind that all plastic surgeries have their level of complexity. Like all surgeries, liposuction carries some risks, including bleeding, infection, and adverse reactions to anesthesia. Patients should thoroughly research their options and discuss the procedure’s potential risks and benefits with a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon before making any decisions.

Therefore, to ensure the best result, you must look for a skilled plastic surgeon that is board certified. But you also have to meet specific health standards, thus avoiding complications and risks during surgery and in the recovery stage. 

lipo 360 in Tijuana

Liposuction in Tijuana – How does it work, and what are the requirements?

Liposuction in Tijuana is a surgical procedure that removes excess fat from a specific body part. The liposuction technique involves making small incisions in the skin and inserting a suction tube called a cannula. During liposuction, your plastic surgeon will use the cannula to suction out excess fat cells from the targeted body area. Liposuction can be performed on areas such as the abdomen, thighs, hips, arms, and neck, and it can help create a slimmer, more contoured appearance.  

Whenever general anesthesia is used, it means that it is a major surgery, and the body will be subjected to more pain during surgery. Therefore, ensuring your potential clinic has medical protocols and the needed equipment required to provide medical assistance in any situation is necessary. 

But, of course, your doctor must assess the condition of the patient before surgery to evaluate and diagnose if the person is a good candidate for surgery. Here are some of the aspects your doctor will consider:

  • Age

Are you underage? You should know that although this surgery can be performed from 18, specialists recommend waiting for the body to be fully developed. So, undergoing it earlier can compromise the results or even leave an irreversible anomaly in the shape of your body. For example, in the case of women, fat deposits and BMI stabilization are achieved around the age of 21. 

  • Non-smoking

Many plastic surgeons and medical centers refuse to perform liposuction in Tijuana on smokers. And this is not an issue of discrimination. Instead, this decision is for the patient’s safety. Smoking risks the patient’s life and well-being. Studies have shown that tobacco use increases the chances of heart and lung problems during surgery. In addition, it can slow down the healing process or affect the healing quality.  

  • Stable weight

Is liposuction in Tijuana an alternative for weight loss? Not really. Therefore, this procedure should not be seen as an easy way to lose weight or an alternative to diet and exercise. Applicants should not have a BMI that is too high. Similarly, those with eating disorders such as bulimia or anorexia are not good candidates for surgery. Patients must maintain a stable weight for at least 6 months, increasing the chances of keeping the results longer. 

  • Not being pregnant

Although there are minimally invasive liposuction techniques, pregnant women should not undergo any of these procedures. It is also not recommended for those who plan to get pregnant. Since the weight gain caused by pregnancy can affect the results achieved, it is best to wait for liposuction after you have recovered from giving birth. 

  • Chronic health conditions

People who don’t have chronic diseases and are in good health are excellent candidates. The patient’s good health ensures the doctor that their body can withstand any complications that can cause one treatment or several, such as liposuction techniques with a BBL in Mexico. But does that mean those with a chronic illness can never undergo plastic surgery? Not necessarily. However, it is recommended that the patient first has control of any chronic condition. It is also necessary to inform your surgeon about pain medications or supplements that do not require a prescription. 

Plastic Surgery in Mexico

Book a consultation and receive a professional medical opinion

Currently, liposuction is one of the most performed procedures around the world due to the excellent results it can offer. Liposuction is so popular because it can provide immediate and dramatic results, with patients often experiencing a noticeable improvement in their body shape soon after the procedure. 

Among the benefits obtained is having greater self-confidence and better personal development. However, it is essential to note that liposuction is not a substitute for a healthy lifestyle and should not be considered a weight loss solution. So, if you want the best possible results, combine this surgery with a healthy lifestyle and regular exercise. Would you like to know if you are a suitable candidate?

Liposuction in Tijuana is an excellent alternative for both men and women to obtain a spectacular figure. Of course, the best way to know if you are a candidate for this procedure is through the medical opinion of experienced plastic surgeons. If you want to contact one of them and book a free consultation, call (858) 779 2552 or email [email protected]. Start the path to improvement safely today.

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