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How to Sleep After a Hair Transplant in Mexico: Tips and Precautions

27 March, 2023

Have you already had a hair transplant in Mexico, or are you considering having one? Then most likely, you have doubts regarding what you should do and not do after a hair transplant. Here we will tell you some tips and precautions about how to sleep after a hair transplant so that you get the best possible result and have beautiful hair.

hair transplant in Mexico

How to sleep the first days after a hair transplant in Mexico?

The first hours and night. These hours are crucial, so it is advisable to rest. You may notice slight swelling in your eyes and cheeks from the effect of the anesthesia, but this is normal. The recommended sleeping position is on your back with a 45° degree of inclination.

A great tip is to use a travel-type or horseshoe-shaped pillow to avoid turning your head and putting pressure on the treated area. If you don’t have a pillow like this, you could roll up a towel or place a small cushion under your neck.

From the second to the fourth day after the hair transplant in Mexico. As mentioned before, during the first days, sleeping on your back with an inclination is vital during the first days. Another crucial part is hydration and hygiene of the treated area. How is this done? You could apply a saline solution, thermal water, or seawater and wash carefully with soap. In this way, the wound will heal faster. However, it would be best to be careful and gentle when doing this since you will have scabs on the grafted follicles. 

Around the fourth day, you may notice the scabs falling off themselves, which is normal. However, to avoid irritation, avoid rubbing the pillowcase and sheets on your scalp as much as possible.

Ten days after the hair transplant in Mexico. Ten days after the hair transplant, the new hair grafts will be well sealed and implanted on your head. So from this point on, you can go about your everyday life and wash your hair as usual. However, during these first weeks, avoiding activities such as swimming or wearing a helmet or cap is best.

In addition, from the tenth day, you will be able to sleep normally as long as you do not present symptoms or side effects. For example, if you notice any itching in the treated area or any change in sensitivity, you should communicate these to your doctor ASAP.

Week three and four. After 30 days, the newly transplanted hair falls out, but do not be alarmed because it is part of the normal process after the hair implant. This temporary loss of new hair is known as shock loss. However, within a short time, new hairs will grow again. At this stage, protecting the hair from the sun and any factor that may slow down or impair growth is essential.

Third and fourth month. From the third month, you will notice the final results of your hair transplant in Mexico. However, the process of surgery is gradual and takes some time. You may notice fine and sparse hair, but later you will see your hair getting thicker as the days go by. 

From the fourth month, there is no risk of losing your hair. Remember to maintain excellent hygiene and follow your doctor’s recommendations. Something crucial for past patients is to continue to avoid rubbing your scalp again with the pillows and sheets. If you strictly follow the advice of the hair transplant clinic and the best plastic surgeons in Mexico, rest assured that you will get magnificent results.

Plastic Surgery in Mexico

Care to have after a hair transplant in Tijuana

  1. Avoid sleeping on your side or stomach. During the first few weeks after hair grafting, avoiding sleeping on your side or stomach is essential, as this can affect blood circulation and lead to loss of hair grafts. Sleeping on your side or stomach increases the friction on the scalp, which can lead to pain and irritation.
  2. Use a soft pillowcase. Satin or silk pillowcases are ideal as they are more delicate and do not damage hair. In addition, it is also essential to keep your pillowcase clean to prevent the buildup of bacteria that can cause scalp infections.
  3. Avoid excessive sweating. Excessive sweating can cause scalp irritation. It is recommended to avoid any activity that may cause sweating during the first few weeks after the hair procedure, such as strenuous exercise and prolonged exposure to the sun. 
  4. Avoid any type of pressure on the scalp. After a hair transplant in Mexico, avoiding pressure on the scalp is crucial. This includes avoiding wearing hats and tight hairstyles that can cause friction in the treated areas. Likewise, excessive brushing and combing of the hair should be avoided, as this can cause tension in the grafted areas and affect the recovery process.
  5. Maintain a healthy and balanced diet. A healthy and balanced diet can help you recover after hair transplantation. Eating foods rich in nutrients and vitamins, such as fruits, vegetables, protein, and healthy fats, is essential. Also, drink enough water to hydrate the body and help in tissue regeneration.
  6. Follow the doctor’s instructions. Each patient has unique needs, and the recovery process may vary depending on the type of hair graft performed. Therefore, following your doctor’s instructions, taking all prescribed medications, and getting to your scheduled follow-up appointments are critical.

Schedule a FREE consultation for world-class hair transplant in Mexico!

In summary, adequate sleep after a hair transplant is essential for a successful recovery. Remember to follow the recommendations and precautions above to ensure a magnificent recovery. If you have any questions or concerns about the procedure’s success rate, please consult our Health & Wellness Bazaar medical team for personalized guidance based on your unique needs.

To find out the average cost of plastic surgery in Mexico, contact Health and Wellness Bazaar to make an appointment with us. With proper care, you can enjoy healthy, abundant hair thanks to a hair transplant in Mexico. Call us at (858) 779-2552 or write to us at [email protected].

hair transplants in Mexico



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