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Plastic Surgery in Mexico Prices: Mexico Vs Other Countries

19 September, 2023

Plastic Surgery in Mexico Prices

It is said that self-confidence and good self-esteem are two silent inner strengths, but they have a lot of impact on our being. This feeling allows us to have better optimism, motivates us to continue improving, and even improves our ability to solve challenges. It is for this reason that today many seek a harmony between inner and outer well-being by improving the appearance of their figure through cosmetic surgery. But what about plastic surgery in Mexico prices?

  • Cost of plastic surgery around the world 
  • Factors influencing cost
  • What if plastic surgery is too cheap?
  • Medical tourism and all-inclusive packages: What are their advantages?
  • Find the best place to make your surgery reliable.


Plastic Surgery in Mexico Prices – Cost of plastic surgery around the world 

Plastic surgery is a branch of medicine that encompasses the enhancement of almost any part of the body. From the face, breasts, abdomen, arms, buttocks, and legs, it is impressive what can be achieved in the hands of experts. Therefore, the cost varies depending on the type of surgery you are looking for. Since a tummy tuck cost in Mexico is not the same as a facelift, mommy makeover, breast augmentation, or eyelid surgery, the price may vary.

However, there is an estimated price of what common surgeries could cost on average:

  • In the United States: $10,300.
  • In Mexico: $3,700.
  • In Thailand: $3,500.
  • In Costa Rica: $4,700.
  • In Malaysia: $2,900.

dental implants in Mexico


Plastic Surgery in Mexico Prices – Factors influencing cost

Did you know that despite the difference in costs, one country can offer you the same professional experience as another cheaper? Many medical tourists have been pleasantly surprised to experience a top-notch medical service or cosmetic procedure in a foreign country. But why a difference in plastic surgery in Mexico prices and elsewhere? Here are some of the most common factors:

  • Surgeon’s Experience

A surgeon’s experience can carry a lot of weight on the reputation of their work. Therefore, for those who have performed the same procedure hundreds of times successfully the value of their work increases. Similarly, the updates and certifications of the surgeon indicate that he or she remains at the forefront with the most modern techniques and that he strives to improve his surgical technique. 

  • Health system and health insurance

Naturally, each country has a very different health system. While some have greater coverage of medical services, in others it is extremely limited. The same goes for medical insurance especially if aesthetic procedures are outpatient, reconstructive surgery, or plastic surgery such as abdominoplasty, breast implants or even rhinoplasty. 

  • Hospital expenses 

Plastic surgeries are complex surgical procedures that require in most cases at least one day of hospitalization, in addition to preoperative studies, consultations, and medication. So, you should not only contemplate the doctor’s fees but all the expenses that are generated before and after surgery. 

  • Patient’s financial capacity and cost of living

The cost of living is the amount of money a person can live on. This depends largely on the economy of the country as well as the purchasing power of each person. That is, what for one person may be cheap, for another not. Everything will depend on your needs, how much you earn and how much your circumstances allow you to save. 

  • Maintenance of facilities

Keep in mind that the facilities of a clinic or hospital require a maintenance expense that is indirectly involved in the cost of medical service, from air conditioning, heating, salaries of maintenance personnel and other expenses can be awfully expensive in some countries, while in others, the cost is more accessible. 

plastic surgery in Tijuana

What if plastic surgery is too cheap?

However, in a cosmetic procedure it is essential to find a balance between quality and price. That is, our decision should not only be carried away by an attractively low price, but we must ensure that it also offers guarantees to the health of each person. If the surgery is too cheap compared to the average cost of that place or country, it is advisable to analyze that it meets essential requirements.

Is the plastic surgeon board-certified? Does he or she have valid credentials? Is it a clinic with basic services or does it have the facilities to attend an emergency? Does he have a full medical team made up of other specialists? Does he hide valuable information from me? These are just some of the questions that you should be clear about because the answer can tell you if the medical service is of high quality or not. 


Medical tourism and all-inclusive packages: What are their advantages?

In many cases, plastic surgery, fertility treatments, hair implants, bariatric surgeries, orthopedic, general surgery, or even a dental implant in Mexico have to be paid out of your own pocket, either because your health insurance does not cover it, requires a quick response, or are too expensive. This is how medical tourism has emerged, an option to travel to another country for much more affordable treatments.

But is it really convenient to travel? A trip may seem expensive, but even if you come from another country such as the United States or Canada you will be surprised to know that, even considering travel expenses such as surgery, procedures in Mexico are still much cheaper. One of the benefits that this modality offers you is the all-inclusive packages, which cover the basic costs of surgery in Mexico and travel such as: 

  • Fees of the surgeon, anesthesiologist, and other specialists.
  • Preoperative consultations.
  • Preoperative analysis.
  • Hospital stays after your surgery.
  • Surgical material, such as breast implants.
  • Postoperative medication for recovery.
  • Top-notch accommodation.
  • Transportation from the airport to your accommodation and the medical center.


Plastic Surgery in Mexico Prices – Find the best place to achieve you’re the body of your dreams!

Now, is it possible to find high-quality medical service at the same time and at a reasonable cost? Yes. At Health & Wellness Bazaar, we strive to offer you the best medical options to make your cosmetic surgery safe. We have designed a network of board-certified plastic surgeons, top-notch hospital centers, and an incredible bilingual care team that will facilitate your entire process. Contact is easy and secure.

Do you want to receive a free consultation with a plastic surgeon in Mexico? We invite you to fill out our simple form and we will contact you right away. Learn more details about the procedure you are looking for, get the information you need to travel to Mexico, and the most up-to-date plastic surgery in Mexico prices. Get the highest quality medical care and get the results you want.

tummy tuck cost in Mexico


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