Having an attractive face and body has become a goal to be achieved. A few years ago, Tijuana plastic surgery was related only to the female population. However, more and more barriers are broken because men care more for their image. According to SECPRE (Esthetic and Repairing Spaniard Plastic Surgery Society, abbreviated into Spanish), male surgery has increased from 10 to 15% in recent years.
This fact shows that the success of male surgeries is phenomenal, and the number of interventions continues to grow considerably. And you, would you like to enhance your masculinity to feel better about yourself? If your answer is yes, keep reading because this article will teach you about five favorite operations most demanded by men.
A survey of men revealed that many of them resort to Tijuana plastic surgery because they have always dreamed of finding an easy and practical way to achieve a beautiful body. In addition, many of them do not have time to exercise, play sports or take care of their diet.
Another reason men decide to undergo a procedure is that they want greater conformity with their bodies and face. And it is that, just as a woman wants breast implants in Mexico to look great, men do not like to look either old, tired, or out of shape.
Therefore, opting for Tijuana plastic surgery can be an excellent decision if you want short-term and long-term results. This way, you will be happier and feel maximum security when interacting with other people. Keep in mind that 20% of surgeries performed in recent years are for men. So do not fear! It is no longer taboo to improve your physical appearance. You can do it!
Now, let’s enlist and discuss the five most demanded plastic surgeries by men:
Men of all ages are willing to go through the operating room to improve their virile members. Although advertising and the Internet tell you how to achieve an elongated effect, the truth is that these methods are not at all effective. Instead, Tijuana plastic surgery is a safe and efficient technique in its entirety.
But, what is penis enlargement surgery? The surgery involves cutting the ligament that joins the penis to the pubic bone to make it appear longer. This makes it about 2.5 inches above its current flaccid measurement, but you’ll notice the change when the organ is straight.
Those who have undergone this operation are satisfied because it increases their quality of life, self-esteem, and self-confidence. No wonder this is the most sought-after and favorite surgery among men.
Rhinoplasty is a common Tijuana plastic surgery. Whether it is for aesthetic reasons or functional reasons such as a deformity, without a doubt, it will be an incredible investment that will significantly transform your day-to-day life.
Among the benefits of performing this procedure, it is that you will strengthen your self-esteem and achieve a more outstanding balance in your facial features, that is, your face will be more harmonious. After a while, you will begin to see remarkable results, and you will forget about the complexes that do not let you enjoy your day 100%.
Interestingly, this type of operation is simple and fast, both in the process and in the postoperative period. General anesthesia is usually applied, and later the patient can return to his everyday life after a week, as long as he performs the appropriate care.
Another of the most demanded surgeries is Liposuction in México, which aims to extract fat from the abdomen. Thanks to this surgery, it is possible to mark the abdominal area. This way, the patient obtains a toned and fit body.
Sometimes, the objective is not to eliminate the belly but to obtain the well-known Six Pack (to mark the six main muscles). However, to do this, you first have to remove the fat very selectively, thus creating a more defined and flatter abdomen.
For the result to be spectacular, we recommend combining liposuction with a tummy tuck. At Health & Wellness Bazaar, we can help you remove excess skin from the abdominal area so that you can enhance your attractiveness and self-confidence.
Just like women, men begin to show signs of aging, whether it be in the eye area or on the forehead. These signs reflect tiredness and sometimes sadness in the eyes, so a blepharoplasty is a perfect surgery to lift the eyes and highlight appearance.
You should know that eyelid surgery can lift upper or drooping eyelids or minimize eye bags. Therefore, it is a wonderful procedure to combat the signs of aging and give the patient a super youthful appearance.
Have you ever been afraid of going bald? Well, baldness is one of the conditions that cause more psychological disorders. For this reason, hair implantation has become the ideal and definitive treatment to combat hair loss.
This Tijuana plastic surgery consists of extracting follicles from areas where they never fall out, such as the sides, and then moving them to places where there are none. That guarantees a supernatural result to his scalp that none of his friends will believe that he underwent a procedure.
These are the most popular surgeries in men, but not the only ones. Whatever procedures you carry out at Health & Wellness Bazaar, we can help you. Remember that plastic surgeries are not just for girls anymore because you also have the right to feel comfortable and proud of your body.
Take advantage of this excellent opportunity today, and change your appearance and what you don’t like about your body. Further enhancing your masculinity will give you purpose and the results you want. We at Health & Wellness Bazaar would be happy to make all those changes for you; please call us at (858) 779-2552 or email us at [email protected].