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Dental Implants in Mexico and Diabetes

7 March, 2022

Would you like to have a radiant and healthy smile again? Is it possible if I have diabetes? If you have lost one or several teeth and are considering the possibility of having dental implants in Mexico while facing this condition, you may have these and other similar questions.

Having diabetes undoubtedly carries some health risks, which must be taken into account when choosing any dental treatment. Today, we will talk about some of those risks and how you can prevent or reduce them. Understanding everything involved in a dental implants in Mexico procedure and the steps you can take will help ensure successful results and allow you to smile comfortably again.

What are the possible risks of dental implants in Mexico?

On some occasions, diabetes can cause complications or discomfort in a patient’s health. That happens because it tends to affect different body functions, which in turn makes the immune system more vulnerable. For example, it can reduce your ability to heal wounds or fight bacteria.

In the case of dental implants in Tijuana, those who usually have problems during treatment are usually patients with diabetes but haven’t been properly diagnosed or do not have their disease adequately controlled.

The most common risk is the problem of scarring since for the placement of the dental implant, the first phase consists of making an incision where the support will be placed, and you have to wait for the body to carry out an osseointegration process naturally. Therefore, patients with diabetes fear poor or slow healing.

A person with diabetes will unquestionably -regardless of where he has a dental implant in Mexico or not – have to be alert to infections either around the tooth or in the implant itself, since uncontrolled diabetes increases the risk of pyorrhea up to three times, causing more significant inflammation of the gums, worsening symptoms or even damaging some tissues.

Are dental implants in Mexico an option if I have diabetes?

Yes! Currently, having diabetes is not a contraindication for dental implants, as long as the disease is controlled. That is a crucial factor that dentists will consider when deciding if a patient with diabetes is a candidate for dental implants in Mexico.

Treatments such as dental implants were previously believed to be virtually unattainable for people with diabetes, as the risk of failure and complications was thought to be higher. At the same time, however, diabetes created a need for dental treatments, as many people were suffering from premature tooth loss.

Nevertheless, more studies have been conducted regarding the placement of implants in patients with diabetes in recent years. For example, a study by the University of Seville carried out with 15 healthy patients, and 15 with diabetes who received titanium-zirconium implants showed that the success rate is almost the same for both groups as long as patients with diabetes follow the correct care, hygiene, and follow up. Thanks to numerous studies like these, today, implants are a viable aesthetic solution for people with diabetes.

What a patient with diabetes should do

For a person with diabetes to be able to benefit from the wide variety of dental treatments that exist today. It is essential to take preventive measures both in their daily life and in a dental office. Today we will talk about 4 guidelines that will be very useful if you find yourself in this situation:

  1. Keep your diabetes under control

When patients keep their disease under control, lead a healthy lifestyle and take the indicated medication responsibly, the condition will not pose greater risks to their general and oral health.

Thus, the first step before deciding to get a dental implant in Tijuana is to assess your health and how you are dealing with diabetes in your life. Patients who avoid relapses or constant imbalances and strive to take care of their glucose levels permanently are good candidates for dental implants in Mexico.

  1. Tell your dentist about your illness

Hiding this vital information can cause many complications during the procedure. Therefore, you should inform your dentist about your illness as soon as possible so that he or she can ensure that you have the correct glucose levels on the day of your procedure and take preventive measures during the placement of the implant.

It is beneficial to tell him the type of diabetes you have, if you had surgery recently and how he has recovered, the medicines you have been prescribed, if you are required to take insulin, and even on the day of the dental implant procedure, you should tell him when you had your most recent dose. When glucose levels are normal, the process will be performed with equal risk of complications than any other healthy patient.

  1. Follow your dentist’s instructions

Thanks to dental tourism in Mexico, you can have a smooth treatment and care of the highest quality. However, when you return home after your procedure, your dentist will give you instructions on what medications to take and a few other essential recommendations. These include avoiding the use of tobacco, alcoholic beverages, and other substances, at least temporarily.

Additionally, he will explain some basic hygiene care and what you can eat after surgery. These indications will allow the tissues of your mouth to have a successful recovery and minimal discomfort. In case you have any persistent symptoms or pain, inform your dentist as soon as possible for advice on this.

  1. Good oral health

Having good oral health will allow you to avoid premature wear of your teeth, maintain a good appearance, avoid gum disease and bad breath. Make sure you keep your teeth clean and that there is no food left on your teeth. Going regularly for check-ups with your dentist is a fundamental preventive measure.

But there are also everyday habits that can contribute to good oral health. Like brushing your teeth constantly, flossing, avoiding smoking, and if you wear dentures, always keep them clean. Also, eat a balanced diet consuming fruits, vegetables, dairy products, and other foods that provide the necessary nutrients.

Put yourself in expert hands

At Health Wellness & Bazaar, we know that the placement of dental implants in Mexico is a specialized procedure that requires training, skill, and experience on the part of a world-class dentist. That is why we put you in contact with a team of expert doctors at your disposal, who will provide you with all the tools you need to make your treatment a success.

Today, thanks to advances in medicine, people with diabetes can lead a relatively normal life. With proper care and precautions, you can avoid many unnecessary complications. In addition, you can receive treatments such as dental implants that improve your self-esteem and your appearance.

If you want to know how you can benefit from dental implants in Tijuana, reach out to us today. You can call us toll-free at (858) 779 2552 or email us at [email protected], and we will provide you with all the information you need.

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