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Reasons Why You Should Consider an Arm Lift in Mexico

19 April, 2023

Don’t you like the look and shape of your arms? Do you think they are too thick and undefined? Currently, countless patients seek to reshape the appearance of their arms after losing a lot of weight or for genetic reasons through an arm lift in Mexico since this will allow them to eliminate excess skin and achieve the slim beautiful arms they have always wanted. 

arm lift in Mexico

Have you heard about this procedure and are interested in knowing what it is like and if it is worth the risk? Here we give you more details about this plastic surgery so that you can make an excellent decision you will not regret.

Is an arm lift in Mexico surgery worth it?

The truth is, yes, an arm lift can have several benefits for general health and well-being. For example, this surgery will stretch the muscles in your chest, shoulders, and upper back, which can help improve posture and reduce muscle tension.

Also, an arm lift can increase blood circulation and improve lung function by allowing full expansion of the diaphragm and lungs. Another of the main benefits of arm lift surgery is that it is minimally invasive since it is ambulatory, so you will not have to spend any nights in the hospital.

The incision size will vary depending on the technique and the surgeon’s recommendation. However, in most cases, the incision will be tiny, resulting in a thin, almost invisible scar. After your arm lift in Mexico recovery, you will have slimmer arms proportionately with the rest of your body.

Many patients that got a Mexico skin removal surgery combined it with an arm lift to get the best possible results. So, is this surgery worth it? If you are the person that constantly hides your arms in loose clothes or you don’t like to see yourself in the mirror because of your big arms, then yes, this is surgery for you. But what options are there?

Types of Arm Lift Procedures

The best specialists at Health & Wellness Bazaar can perform various kinds of arm lifts, each designed to address different problems and aesthetic needs. The most common types of arm lift surgery include:

  • Standard arm lift: Also known as full arm lift, this is the most common arm lift procedure. An incision is made along the inside of the arm, from the elbow to the armpit, and excess skin and fat are removed to create a more toned and defined appearance.
  • Reduced scar arm lift: This procedure involves a smaller incision in the armpit or elbow area. It is ideal for patients with moderate excess skin and fat.
  • Arm lift assisted with Liposuction: This technique uses only liposuction to remove excess fat from the arms. It is an option for patients with firm skin who only need to reduce fat in the arm area.

What is the difference between traditional cosmetic surgery and outpatient surgery?

The main difference between traditional cosmetic surgery and outpatient surgery is the patient’s time in the hospital or surgical center after surgery. Typically, in a traditional arm lift surgery in Mexico, the patient is given general anesthesia and stays in the hospital for several days to recover.

In outpatient surgery, the patient receives local anesthesia or intravenous sedation and usually goes home the same day as the surgery. During this time, healing is monitored, pain relievers are administered, and necessary bandage changes are made. Most patients can return to normal activities in a few days and recover faster than with traditional surgery.

Mexico for plastic surgery


Another difference is that outpatient surgery is performed in a specialized surgical center, while traditional arm lift cosmetic surgery is performed in a hospital. Ambulatory Surgery Centers are designed to perform simple and safe surgical procedures and have highly trained staff and specialized equipment to provide high-quality patient care.

The choice between one or the other will depend on the individual needs and preferences of the patient, as well as the plastic surgeon’s recommendation. So, make sure that you ask your doctor about your options.

What to do before and after surgery

Before an arm lift in Mexico, an anesthesiologist administers IV sedation. After the surgery, your incisions will be bandaged, and you will wait in a recovery room to allow the anesthesia to wear off.

The patient usually needs two weeks off work and must raise his arms above his heart as often as possible. You should also avoid heavy lifting for a minimum of two weeks. All incisions will be placed so that the scars are inconspicuous, but it is still essential to wear sunscreen as it will help the scars fade and remain hidden.

Once the swelling has subsided after surgery, you can expect fantastic results. What have past patients experienced? All mention they love having more toned arms, helping them feel more confident, and finally showing their arms with their favorite clothes.

How to sleep after an arm lift

If you are having trouble sleeping, take your prescribed medicine to reduce pain, bruising, and swelling, which is normal and will go away in the first few weeks. Here are some tips so that sleeping is not too uncomfortable:

  1. Elevate your torso: It is advisable to raise the head of the mattress with pillows or cushions to keep the arms higher while sleeping. This will help reduce swelling and pain and make blood and fluid flow through the area easier.
  2. Sleeping on your back: After an arm lift cosmetic surgery, the ideal sleeping position is on your back. If this position is uncomfortable, try sleeping at a 45-degree angle opposite the operated arm, using pillows to support your body.
  3. Wear comfortable clothing: It is essential to wear loose, comfortable nightwear after arm lift surgery. This will prevent friction and skin irritation and reduce discomfort.
  4. Avoid physical activity before bed: It is vital to avoid any strenuous physical activity before bed to minimize swelling and inflammation. It is also recommended to prevent consuming foods and beverages that contain caffeine, as they can interfere with sleep.

Enjoy world-class Mexico plastic surgery at Health & Wellness Bazaar

Now that you know how to get defined arms, you certainly don’t want to miss out on an arm lift procedure. As you may have noticed, this method is not invasive. On the contrary, it will allow you to show off spectacular arms in a matter of weeks. Just make sure you look for the best-experienced surgeons who will give you phenomenal short and long-term results.

Schedule your first consultation if you want more information about an arm lift or facelift in Mexico. Our Health & Wellness Bazaar team will be happy to help you improve your self-confidence and eliminate your negative image of yourself. Contact us at (858) 779-2525 or write to [email protected].

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