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What Gastric Sleeve in Mexico Experts Say: How to Reverse Bad Eating Habits?

27 April, 2023

“I don’t know how it happened”… This is often the feeling of those who are overweight or obese. Looking back, they never imagined weighing so many pounds, and now simply walking the road to weight loss seems almost impossible. However, despite having great bariatric alternatives such as gastric sleeve in Mexico, many find it hard to believe that it is really possible to reverse the effects of a lifestyle that has been carried out for years. What do the experts think?

  • Common mistakes in eating habits
  • Is it possible to modify lousy eating habits and reverse their effects?
  • Contact a successful weight loss expert and know your options

What Gastric Sleeve in Mexico Experts Say: Common Mistakes in eating habits

Did you know that food preferences develop from the age of 2? The way we eat is acquired almost involuntarily because of the environment surrounding us in the family. So it is at an early stage when good and bad eating habits develop.  With time, patterns of behavior are formed that directly influence both weight and health of people.

gastric sleeve in Mexico

Learn 5 common eating mistakes that contribute to weight gain

  • Skipping meals

Don’t have time to eat breakfast?  Do you often skip meals at work? Don’t you usually have set mealtimes? What may start as eventual events can become a bad habit. Not having set times for your meals and skipping meals usually causes you to buy anything to satisfy hunger or devour junk food at the end of the day. In addition, metabolism slows down and is counterproductive to losing weight. 

  • Eating to feel better

Eating large amounts of food can cause calm and tranquility. For some, food becomes an emotional refuge in situations that cause stress, sadness, or anger. For this reason, when evaluating a candidate for weight loss treatment, a doctor considers the patient’s emotional state. Many find it practical to receive psychological help to manage their emotions better and modify their relationship with food. 

  • Not chewing food well

While it is true that chewing food well facilitates the digestion and absorption of nutrients, this is not the only benefit. It also has a direct relationship with the portions of food you ingest. Chewing food well is an essential part of healthy eating habits and can offer several benefits beyond facilitating digestion and nutrient absorption. It can also help to regulate portion sizes and reduce the likelihood of overeating, which can be critical in preventing obesity and maintaining overall health.

  • Basing your diet on junk food

Fast, cheap, and delicious food are common reasons people consume junk food. However, this type of food is characterized by a high content of fats and sugars and a low content of nutrients. Moreover, consuming a diet high in junk food, low in protein, and a sedentary lifestyle can lead to weight gain and obesity.

  • Believing that diet foods are harmless

While some diet foods may be lower in calories or fat, this does not necessarily mean they are healthy or effective for weight loss. Many so-called “diet foods” are highly processed and may contain added sugars or other unhealthy ingredients. Some studies have suggested that people may consume more calories in the long term by eating diet foods. 


weight loss surgery in Mexico


What Gastric Sleeve in Mexico Experts Say: Is it possible to modify lousy eating habits and reverse their effects?

Now, the reality is that most people who are overweight or obese have tried more than once to lose weight. Some stop trying, even when it threatens their health, mobility, emotions, and social and professional development. But often, diets fail or even have a rebound effect. 

Fortunately, there are effective methods not only to break lousy eating patterns but also to lose weight, even when it comes to extreme cases of obesity. Bariatric specialists such as Dr. Jalil Illian have been part of successful cases using alternatives such as the gastric sleeve in Mexico. This surgery is based on a restrictive method of reducing up to 85% of the patient’s stomach. 

Bariatric surgery helps people modify their lifestyles and progressively integrate new healthy habits. After surgery, bariatric patients will begin a new eating plan consisting of eating more nutritious foods and much smaller portions. As well as starting a more active physical activity plan. The difference between this and other methods is that you will receive guidance from experts like Dr. Jalil, who will track your progress and help you overcome obstacles. 

Patients across borders, coming from developed countries such as the United States and Canada, searching for surgical procedures focused on effective weight loss have found a solution when requesting these treatments in Tijuana, Mexico. Similarly, once weight loss is achieved, some have again undergone plastic surgery in Mexico to remove excess skin from massive weight loss.

Just as Dr. Jalil is an experienced bariatric surgeon in medical tourism in Mexico, you can find board-certified plastic surgeons who will help you complete the process after achieving total weight loss. Among the most common plastic surgeries and other cosmetic procedures performed on bariatric patients are abdominoplasty, brachioplasty, breast augmentation or reduction, and others related to body contouring. Thanks to this comprehensive approach, those who suffer from obesity can experience a new version of themselves. 


Contact a top-rated Gastric Sleeve in Mexico expert and know your opportunities 

“I wish I had done it sooner”…  This is often the feeling experienced by people who have undergone bariatric surgery. And it is that weight loss is not the only benefit, but they manage to reverse many of the effects that damage the quality of life, such as diabetes, hypertension, or sleep apnea. So, they enjoy better health, greater mobility, and even better self-esteem. 

Do you also want to be part of that percentage of people who have managed to reverse obesity? Contact Dr. Jalil and learn the steps you need to take to achieve successful weight loss. Discover for yourself the benefits of medical tourism and gastric sleeve in Mexico! You can do this through [email protected] or call (858) 779 2552 and book a free consultation with one of the most recognized bariatric surgeons.

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