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Tips from the Best Breast Augmentation Surgeons in Mexico

15 March, 2024

Best Breast Augmentation Surgeons in Mexico
Choosing the Best Breast Augmentation Surgeons in Mexico is an increasingly popular option within plastic surgery in Mexico, attracting local and international patients seeking quality results at attractive prices. However, before embarking on this aesthetic journey, it is essential that patients are well advised by experienced plastic surgeons about the surgery so that they are satisfied with the results and know how to react to any inconvenience.

This advice will help you make an informed decision about the type of implant that best suits your expectations and lifestyle. However, it is important to approach this procedure with adequate information and realistic expectations. Therefore, below we are going to give you all the necessary information if you decide on this procedure so that you are aware and prepared throughout the entire process.

Best Breast Augmentation Surgeons in Mexico- Discover Fantastic Implants and Plastic Surgery in Mexico

The Best Breast Augmentation Surgeons in Mexico performe different procedures that allow patients to choose the most appropriate technique for their needs and preferences. One of the most common techniques is the inframammary incision, which is made in the natural fold under the breast. This technique allows plastic surgeons to access the area with precision and minimize the visibility of scars.

Another technique used in breast augmentation in Mexico is the periareolar incision, which is made around the lower edge of the areola. This technique also allows for precise access and careful placement of breast implants. Additionally, the transaxillary incision is made in the crease of the armpit and is a less common option, but some patients may prefer it due to the lack of scarring on the breast.

Types of breast implants in Mexico:

  • Silicone implants: These types of breast implants in Mexico are known for their natural feel and appearance. They are filled with cohesive silicone gel that maintains their shape and consistency, allowing them to adapt to the body’s movements more naturally. These implants come in a variety of shapes and sizes to fit each patient’s unique anatomy. They have a lower rupture rate compared to other types of implants.
  • Cohesive gel implants: Known as gummy implants, they are filled with silicone gel, but have a firmer consistency than traditional implants. This allows them to maintain their shape even if they break, reducing the risk of leaks and warping.
  • Saline implants: They are composed of a silicone shell filled with a sterile saline solution. These implants can be adjusted in size during surgery, allowing the surgeon to customize the result to the patient’s needs. You can rest assured knowing that, in case of a rupture, the body safely absorbs the saline solution. Saline implants are typically less expensive than silicone implants and may be a good option for patients looking for a cheaper alternative.

Patients can discuss the available options with their plastic surgeon and make an informed decision about the type of implant that best suits their aesthetic needs and desires.

Best Breast Augmentation Surgeons in Mexico- Tips for Post-op Care

  1. Follow your plastic surgeon’s instructions: including how to care for your incisions, what medications to take, when to take them, and how to manage any postoperative discomfort.
  2. Get enough rest: Getting enough rest during the first few days after breast augmentation in Mexico will allow the body to recover properly.
  3. Incision care: Follow the plastic surgeon in Mexico‘s instructions to keep incisions clean and dry. You may be told to wear a special bra or bandage for a specific period to help maintain the shape and position of the implants.
  4. Avoid certain activities: For the first few weeks after surgery, avoid strenuous physical activities that may put pressure on the pectoral muscles and abdominal wall, such as heavy lifting or intense exercise.
  5. Healthy diet: Maintaining a healthy, balanced diet can help promote healing and improve surgery results. Drink plenty of water and avoid alcohol and tobacco.
  6. Follow up on post-operative checkups: Attend all scheduled follow-up appointments with your plastic surgeon to ensure your recovery is progressing as expected and to address any concerns you may have.

big boob Mexico

Plastic Surgery in Mexico: Risks and Complications

Although breast augmentation in Mexico is safe, like any surgical procedure, it carries certain risks and possible complications. One of the most common risks is capsular contracture, which occurs when the tissue capsules around the implant contract and become rigid, causing discomfort and changes in the shape of the breast.

Another risk is temporary loss of sensation in the nipples, which can occur due to manipulation of the nerves during surgery. Other less common risks include infections, excessive bleeding, and changes in breast shape. However, it is important to discuss these risks with your plastic surgeon before undergoing the procedure and follow all postoperative recommendations to minimize the risk of complications.

how much do breast implants cost in Mexico

How much do breast implants cost in Mexico?

How much do breast implants cost in Mexico? Well, the average cost to have a big boob in Mexico depends on the experience of the surgeon, the location of the clinic, and the type of implants used. Typically, the cost can range between $3,000 and $6,000 US dollars. It is important to note that this cost may not include the surgeon’s fees, anesthesia, medications, and postoperative follow-up.

For those seeking financing for their surgery, some clinics in Mexico offer flexible payment options or financing programs that allow patients to pay in installments. Some patients may also qualify for financing through third parties, such as medical credit companies.

At Health & Wellness Bazaar we offer affordable financing rates with all-inclusive plastic surgery packages so our patients can enjoy breast augmentation in one package. You can consider any type of surgery, including a mommy makeover or tummy tuck in Mexico or a mini tummy tuck.

Our packages include world-class facilities, personalized service, immediate attention, boutique recovery home, and the best plastic surgeons in Mexico with the highest credentials. Our all-inclusive packages include the following:

  • Accommodation
  • Hospitalization
  • Concierge service
  • Pick up and drop off at the airport.
  • Local transportation on site.
  • Preoperative tests
  • Surgery Center Fees
  • surgeons’ fees
  • Anesthesia and anesthesiologist.
  • All material related to treatment.
  • Postoperative medication

Choosing Health & Wellness Bazaar can help make the procedure more accessible in every way. Additionally, our board-certified and highly trained plastic surgeons ensure safe and satisfactory results.

tummy tuck in Mexico

Stunning Results Thanks to Plastic Surgery in Mexico by HW Bazaar

Without a doubt, breast augmentation in Mexico is an attractive and accessible option for those women who want to improve their appearance and increase their confidence. At Health & Wellness Bazaar you can find a personalized solution that adapts to your aesthetic needs and desires. If you are considering breast augmentation, Health & Wellness Bazaar offers high-quality plastic surgery in Mexico, with certified and accredited plastic surgeons. 

Don’t wait any longer to get the breasts you’ve always wanted! Schedule your consultation today and discover how breast augmentation can transform your life by clicking the image below!

plastic surgery in Mexico


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