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Are There Any Side Effects from Breast Augmentation in Mexico?

3 September, 2023

breast augmentation in Mexico

In recent years, breast augmentation in Mexico has evolved significantly, giving people the opportunity to achieve the desired look. However, many people worry about the safety of breast implants and the possible long-term effects. Above all, there are doubts about whether they can influence health over the years. So, if you are thinking about having a breast augmentation it will surely help you to address these important issues. 

breast augmentation in Mexico

Breaste augmentation in Mexico: The importance of informed decision-making

When we explore the cases of those who have undergone breastwork, we can find many opposing opinions. While some show their bad experiences others boast the incredible results obtained. What can you do to have safer surgery? Above all, be well-informed before making this decision and have realistic expectations about the results and possible risks you may face. 

It is important to take the time to choose a plastic surgeon in Mexico, verify their experience and accreditation, conduct thorough research on the site, the follow-up process, and other aspects that guarantee a high-quality medical service. As well as the materials that will be used for breast augmentation, whether silicone gel, gummy bear implants, or saline. Each type of breast implant in Mexico can offer you unique advantages and disadvantages. 


Breast augmentation in Mexico: Safety and possible complications

Breast augmentation in Mexico is a surgical procedure in which patients undergo general anesthesia and require hospitalization. Therefore, before this inframammary intervention for the placement of breast implants, it is necessary to take into account the immediate effects that may arise during and after surgery. These include the possibility of infections, bruising, and changes in sensation. However, it is worth mentioning that there are preventive measures to minimize these risks and ensure a successful recovery. 

For that reason, it is essential to choose board-certified plastic surgeons in Mexico, who will be able to evaluate if the patient’s physical condition meets the necessary standards for an operation of this kind. In the same way, they will offer you timely guidance on postoperative care and warning signs that require medical attention to avoid major complications. In addition to medication or habits such as smoking, you should avoid being better prepared for any plastic surgery procedure. 

breast implants in mexico

Breast augmentation in Mexico: Long-Term Effects of Breast Implants 

Do breast implants last a lifetime? Yes, but not in all cases. Multiple factors can influence the durability of a breast implant. You should keep in mind that among the long-term effects of breast implant surgery that you may face are leakage or even rupture of one or both implants. But why can it happen? If a breast implant ruptures, it means that the outer shell of the implant has worn out or developed a hole. 

In the case of saline implants, the saline fluid contained in the implant will gradually leak and the affected breast will lose its volume. However, this material does not pose any risk since the solution is absorbed by the body. Of course, the change in size can be visibly noticeable. In contrast, in the case of silicone implants, the rupture may be less evident since it can remain in place or migrate within the breast tissue.

In any of these situations, remember that it is essential to consult a medical professional before alarming you. Maintaining open communication with your surgeon and following his or her recommendations is essential to ensuring long-term health and well-being. Now, if you suspect that the implant has ruptured or leaked, you must follow these steps:

  • Consult a medical professional. 

Schedule an appointment with your plastic surgeon or follow-up doctor for an evaluation. They will be able to examine you and determine if the implant is ruptured or has any abnormalities. In some cases, it may be necessary to perform imaging studies such as ultrasound or magnetic resonance imaging to shape the condition of the implants and surrounding tissue.


  • Decision of replacement or definitive withdrawal. 

Depending on the medical evaluation, your options will be discussed based on your surgeon’s medical opinion. Generally, when a rupture is confirmed, removal and replacement of the implant is recommended. However, in some cases, patients may also choose to remove the implants completely without replacement. In either case, extraction surgery will also be performed. 


  • Recovery and follow-up.

If you decide to replace the implants, the recovery guidelines recommended by your surgeon will be followed. A follow-up doctor will ensure that the new implant integrates correctly and monitors overall breast health. In some cases, you can opt for another type of implant or perhaps a different size for the breast augmentation procedure

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Choose safe and successful results from the best board-certified plastic surgeries in Mexico!

Undoubtedly, the safety and long-term effects of breast augmentation are legitimate concerns that deserve careful attention and proper education. That is why we invite you to approach surgeons in Mexico committed to providing precise care that will help you make the best decision to improve the figure of your body. You can also learn about the average cost of plastic surgery in Mexico and the unique benefits of medical tourism.

At Health & Wellness Bazaar we passionately believe that open communication, solid information, and close collaboration between doctor and patient are essential to achieve the best results. If you want to contact an experienced plastic surgeon, you can fill out our online form or call (858)779- 2552. Find out if breast augmentation in Mexico is the ideal cosmetic procedure for you.

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