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Breast Lift in Mexico — Learn About the Procedure, Recovery, and Results

15 March, 2023

As women age, the skin loses its natural elasticity, and the breasts may begin to sag, which can be a cosmetic and self-esteem issue. If you want to repair your breasts permanently, you can consider a technique that has helped many women, the breast lift in Mexico, also known as mastopexy. This cosmetic surgery aims to lift and firm sagging breasts.

breast lift in Mexico

So that you have all the information at hand and make an excellent decision, in this article, we will give you all the details of a breast lift procedure.

What is a breast lift, and when is it recommended?

The breast lift surgical technique consists of the removal of excess skin and breast tissue, as well as the replacement of the nipple and areola. This meets the goal of improving the appearance and shape of the breasts, giving women greater confidence. A breast lift is recommended for women experiencing sagging breasts, called breast ptosis.

Breast ptosis can be caused by a number of factors, including aging, lactation, weight loss, and gravity. If you often feel uncomfortable with your appearance and have self-esteem issues, this procedure is undoubtedly perfect for you.

Mexico breast augmentation

How is a breast lift in Mexico performed, and what techniques are used?

The breast lift procedure is performed in a surgical center under general anesthesia. The duration of the surgery varies depending on the case but generally lasts between 2 and 3 hours. Before surgery, the surgeon will analyze the different breast lift techniques and decide the most appropriate for each patient.

Breast lift in Mexico techniques varies depending on the amount of correction required and the position of the nipple. Common techniques include:

  1. Periareolar mastopexy: This technique is used to correct mild breast ptosis. The incision is made around the areola and is used to lift the breast and reduce the areola size, if necessary.
  2. Vertical Mastopexy: It is used to correct moderate ptosis. The incision is made around the areola and vertically toward the breast’s crease. This technique lifts the chest and gives it a more natural shape.
  3. Anchorage mastopexy: It is used to correct severe ptosis. The incision is made around the areola, following a vertical line and inside the submammary fold.

Sometimes, a breast lift can be combined with a Mexico breast augmentation to give a fuller, more voluminous appearance. In such a case, a Health & Wellness Bazaar professional will discuss all the options and decide the best breast lift technique for each case.

Risks and possible complications of a breast augmentation

As with any surgery, a breast lift carries certain risks and possible complications. Some of the risks include the following:

  • Infection: Infection is a risk with any surgery and can occur at the incision site. Patients may receive preventative antibiotics to reduce the risk of infection.
  • Bleeding: Bleeding can occur during or after surgery. The surgeon may place drains at the incision site to reduce the risk of blood pooling.
  • Healing problems: Scars may be visible and noticeable after surgery. The position of the scars will vary depending on the technique used, and some people may experience thick or raised scars.
  • Changes in nipple sensation: Changes in nipple sensation are common after breast lift surgery in Mexico. Nipple sensation may decrease or increase, and in rare cases, complete loss of nipple sensation may occur.
  • Changes in the breast shape: The breasts may have different shapes and sizes after surgery. On rare occasions, the shape of the breast may become asymmetrical after surgery.

How long does the recovery process last, and what care is necessary?

After surgery, patients should expect to feel sore and tired. Patients may have chest tubes for one to two days, which will be removed before the patient is discharged. Patients may need to wear a support bra after surgery to help minimize swelling and discomfort.

Patients must follow the plastic surgeon’s instructions in Mexico plastic surgery before and after to recover successfully. Some care includes: 

  • Avoid strenuous activities: Patients should avoid any activity that may pressure the breasts, such as heavy lifting or strenuous exercise.
  • Keeping the incisions clean and dry: Keeping the incisions clean and dry is vital to reduce the risk of infection.
  • Take medications as directed: Patients may need pain relievers and antibiotics after surgery to reduce pain and the risk of infection.
  • Follow up with the surgeon: Patients should follow up with the surgeon to assess recovery and ensure no complications.

The recovery process after a breast lift can vary, but generally, patients can return to work and normal activities after 1-2 weeks. Swelling and bruising can persist for several weeks, and scars can take several months to heal fully.

Wonderful results that will not affect the shape and appearance of your breasts

The breast lift results in Mexico can vary according to the individual case. Patients can expect a firmer, more youthful appearance to the breasts, with a more rounded shape and higher nipple position. The breasts may also appear larger due to excess skin removal and breast tissue relocation.

It is important to note that results may take time, as the breasts may be swollen and tender for the first few weeks or months after surgery. In some cases, subsequent revision surgery may be necessary to address scarring or asymmetry issues.

However, do not worry because the final shape and appearance of the breasts can take several months to settle fully. Even so, if you have any concerns or questions about the results, contact Health & Wellness Bazaar specialists.

Feel beautiful every day with a world-class breast lift in Mexico!

As we have already seen, a breast lift is a standard surgical procedure that provides a firmer, more youthful appearance. Therefore, be sure to discuss the risks and potential complications with an experienced plastic surgeon before the procedure and follow all postoperative care instructions to minimize the risk of complications.

To book an appointment only with the incredible surgeons and thus have the breasts of your dreams, don’t forget to make an appointment with our surgeons at Health & Wellness Bazaar, the professionals who will attend to you and take care of meeting your expectations. Call us today at (858) 779-2552 or email us at [email protected].

plastic surgeons in Mexico


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