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Fertility Clinic in Tijuana: When Should I Go?

8 March, 2023

fertility center Tijuana

“Hope that is delayed is a torment to the heart,” says an ancient proverb. When a woman wants to get pregnant, it is normal to experience a mountain of emotions, such as hope and illusion. However, the parents could lose their patience after several attempts and months. After some time, parents can experience frustration and discouragement. Is there any hope for those that have “failed”? Yes, many choose to go to a fertility center Tijuana and have been able to get pregnant. But when is the best time?

What should you keep in mind before going to a fertility clinic?

When trying to get pregnant, having realistic expectations about the chances of success is essential. In this way, parents will avoid anxiety and stress from taking over their dreams and not suffer the process of “searching” for a baby. 

What are realistic expectations? Clinical studies conducted by fertility organizations mention that in fertile couples who have sex regularly, the probabilities of getting pregnant are the following:

  • In 3 months, 57% chance of getting pregnant.
  • In 6 months, 72% chance of getting pregnant.
  • In 1 year, 85% chance of getting pregnant.
  • In 2 years, 93% chance of getting pregnant.

So, in most cases, women of fertile age will not need any medical assistance. But what if after trying to conceive a baby and having sex without contraceptive methods for 12 months, natural gestation is not yet achieved? In that case, going to a specialized reproduction unit would be advisable. 

But what if you want to do it before a year passes? Waiting a year is optional for all patients and cases. Many factors come into play when deciding how soon you should visit a specialist, such as time and age. For example, some fertility specialists recommend that women over 35 years old who have not been able to get pregnant within 6 months of trying should seek specialized help. Once you seek medical help, your chances of getting pregnant are higher, thanks to the treatment and medical advances. 

5 Common factors of infertility

Your fertility center Tijuana and the doctor will consider multiple factors that can affect the reproductive capacity of a couple. For example, women who suffer from irregular menstrual periods, secondary amenorrhea, miscarriages, or pelvic surgery in the past should seek the help of a specialist since this could affect their fertility. 

Here are 5 common factors that your doctor will consider:

  • Tubal factor

The tubal factor consists of an anatomical alteration that obstructs the fallopian tubes. This disease prevents contact between the egg and sperm, so egg fertilization is impossible. About 20% of women face this problem when trying to get pregnant.

  • Male factor

Is it just a female issue? Of course not. Both women and men can have fertility problems. Therefore, if a man has had hormonal disorders, infections, injuries or surgeries on the testicles, or other related issues should consider going to a fertility center Tijuana for diagnosis and treatment.

  • Endometriosis

Endometriosis is a disorder that affects the ovaries, tubes, and tissue lining the pelvis. It consists of the growth of an endometrial-like tissue outside the uterus, and therefore, thickening can cause pain, bleeding, and reproductive function can be affected.  

  • Ovulatory factor

About 25% of patients suffer from a disorder that encompasses the function of the eggs, for example, polycystic ovarian disease. These types of problems can alter oocyte quality or decrease its reproduction. So, it is necessary to provide timely medical attention for your treatment.

  • Mixed causes

Finally, infertility can also be due to the combination of factors in both men and women. So, if you and your couple have a variety of the previous factors or others that were not discussed here, in that case, you could seek professional help for the highest success rate. 

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Fertility: How do you know if you can have children?

Of course, after a considerable time of attempts without results, a couple may begin to question their ability to get pregnant. But before reaching conclusions, it is best to go for a medical evaluation. As a first step, a gynecologist can assess the general state of the woman’s health, obtain her medical history and family history and evaluate other factors that can affect fertility, such as diet and lifestyle. 

A fertility clinic aims to find the cause of infertility and thus decide the best treatment. However, visiting a fertility clinic in Mexico can offer a more accurate and in-depth diagnosis since the doctor will request medical tests from both partners. These can range from a physical examination to rule out anatomical problems to more specialized tests. Here are some of the most common tests:

Female fertility tests

  • Hormonal analysis
  • Transvaginal ultrasound and cytology
  • Hysterosalpingography
  • Study of karyotype
  • Hysteroscopy
  • Endometrial biopsy

Male fertility tests

  • Spermiogram
  • Sperm count
  • Study of karyotype
  • Hormone test
  • Study of sperm DNA fragmentation


What kind of treatments can a fertility clinic offer you?

The fertility clinics in Mexico, also known as assisted reproduction centers, aim to detect the cause of preventing pregnancy and provide medical alternatives to achieve a successful pregnancy. Assisted reproduction is a specialty dedicated to applying techniques such as IVF in Tijuana, which involve manipulating eggs and sperm within a laboratory. Also, it is essential to note that surgery is safe in Mexico, and in case you need any other service, these clinics can provide integral help.

Here are some of the most common treatments at a fertility clinic:

  • In vitro fertilization
  • Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)
  • Egg donation
  • Embryo freezing
  • Blastocyst transfer


Contact the best specialists! Health and Wellness Bazaar

Doubts and concerns? Before going to an assisted reproduction center, it is normal for couples to have many questions to answer. Fortunately, the medical opinion of specialists can give you the answers you are looking for and open a door of alternatives. The Health and Wellness Bazar fertility center Tijuana offers expert guidance. Contact our specialist via email at [email protected] or (858) 779 2552 and schedule a free appointment today.

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