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How to Maintain or Prolong the Results of a Gastric Balloon in Mexico

12 April, 2023

Obesity is considered the disease of this century, which is not surprising considering how prevalent bad habits are today, including a lack of exercise, a sedentary lifestyle, and a poor diet, among others. Fortunately, there are solutions that conventional treatments such as exercise and diet do not provide, which gastric balloon Mexico stands out from the least invasive procedures. 

Gastric balloon Mexico

How does it work? At a Mexico bariatric center, the gastric balloon is implanted in the stomach to occupy a significant portion of its space and produce a feeling of satiety when eating.

The placement of the gastric balloon helps considerably to lose weight. For this reason, good habits must be implemented to make the results noticeable and fast. However, proper control is needed in the fat loss process to make it safe for the patient. If you are interested in knowing the best habits to follow after performing this bariatric surgery, we invite you to continue reading as we will give you different recommendations that will be especially useful for you.

Gastric balloon Mexico at the best Mexico Bariatric Center

The entire procedure of placing the balloon in the stomach lasts approximately 30 to 40 minutes when it is manually placed while the patient is temporarily unconscious. A remarkable and important detail is the fact that the balloon contains a colored liquid that is used to detect any rupture of the balloon and if so, a change in the color of the urine would occur.

A saline solution is used so fluids are not retained during surgery, which can be detrimental in the long run. At the end of the procedure, the patient must stay at least one more hour before returning home. This procedure is one of the most accessible and easy to perform compared to other weight loss surgery procedures since the gastric balloon Mexico is minimally invasive and you can return home the same day of the surgery.

Follow-up after gastric balloon Mexico

The follow-up of patients who undergo this procedure is of the utmost importance since different factors can affect the patient physically and mentally. Therefore, the psychologist and the nutritionist play an important role. These two professionals continuously motivate the patient to comply with the recommended guidelines and, of course, encourage him to exercise and have healthy habits.

Mexico bariatric center

All of this is critical to the success of the gastric balloon in Mexico. The patient must change their eating habits and physical exercise, which is the key to maintaining their weight loss while they have the balloon in their stomach. Below are some habits you should consider following to achieve optimal weight loss.

Habits that the best bariatric surgeons in Mexico recommend

Experts point out that the effectiveness of surgery in gastric balloon Mexico depends on two factors: follow-up by board-certified bariatric surgeons and the willingness of patients to change their habits. When they succeed, they will be able to adapt to them throughout their lives.

For this reason, it should be noted that the intragastric balloon procedure allows changes to be made gradually so that patients slowly adapt to them. For this reason, bariatric surgeons recommend the following habits:

  • Respect the fixed times of each meal during the day, especially breakfast, lunch, and dinner
  • Avoid long periods of fasting or without eating any food to reduce stomach acidity that affects the balloon
  • Increase the time you take to eat and avoid being distracted by electronic devices or other entertainment
  • Select quality food
  • The portions in each meal should be 20 or 30% of protein and vegetables 60%
  • Drink plenty of water throughout the day and avoid alcoholic beverages, artificial flavors, and soft drinks
  • Avoid all kinds of processed foods and fruits, as well as foods high in sugar
  • Exercising moderately, including aerobic and anaerobic routines throughout 40 to 50 minutes

Among all the benefits of losing weight through the gastric balloon Tijuana and following the habits recommended by bariatric specialists is reducing the risk of potentially weight-related severe health problems. The accepted definition of successful weight loss is losing less than 10% of your starting body weight and staying that way for one year.

What are the possible side effects of a gastric balloon in Mexico?

Complications arising during and after placement in gastric balloon Mexico are relatively rare. Statistics indicate that less than 0.5% of patients are unprepared to suffer the symptoms of the first days and voluntarily request that the balloon be removed from their stomachs. However, in some cases, the dose of gastric protectant is increased due to the appearance of symptoms of acid reflux.

Likewise, another complication that can occur in less than 1% is the impaction of the balloon at the outlet of the stomach, thus causing an obstruction in the passage of gastric contents to the duodenum, causing vomiting and intolerance that forces the withdrawal of the intragastric tube balloon.

In any of these cases, a medical professional must evaluate the patient for any changes that may occur after the surgical procedure and take appropriate action if the balloon is likely to remain in the stomach. The HW Bazaar team of bariatric doctors and surgeons is trained to advise and accompany the patient in this process.

Keeping the weight loss after a gastric balloon in Mexico

During and after weight loss surgery, such as gastric bypass and gastric sleeve Mexico, or an outpatient procedure, such as a gastric balloon, the goal will always be weight loss, but what about maintaining it?

The maintenance we must follow is a particular factor in achieving successful weight loss. It would be unwise to work hard to lose weight initially and, soon after, gain it back. A gastric balloon can make it easier to extend your weight loss for as long as necessary than weight loss surgery.

If you’ve tried to lose weight before, you know how hard it is to get results by exercising or dieting. Take advantage of medical tourism Mexico to have the health and body you always dreamed of. The gastric balloon is one of the most effective weight loss devices when it comes to maintaining the results, and thanks to the behavior that is held while the procedure lasts, the weight will be lost continually and steadily.

So that you are not alone when it comes to losing weight, weight loss experts at Health and Wellness Bazaar will be by your side at all times until you reach your goals. If you want to improve your quality of life and avoid potentially serious diseases caused by obesity, please submit a short form for a free consultation and evaluation to [email protected] or call us at (858) 779-2552.

gastric sleeve in Tijuana


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