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Gastric Sleeve in Mexico – What Is It and How Does It Work?

22 June, 2023

gastric sleeve in México


Are you looking to lose weight quickly, steadily, and without gaining weight back? Today it is possible thanks to a safe method: bariatric surgery in Mexico. Each month, countless former obese and overweight people have managed to experience a healthy lifestyle and keep a phenomenal weight thanks to weight loss procedures such as gastric sleeve in Mexico. 

Unlike other conventional methods, you can lose weight without fear and with fantastic results. But what does gastric sleeve in Mexico consist of? How does it really work? Find out below. 


Gastric sleeve in Mexico: How does it work?

Gastric sleeve surgery in Mexico is performed by a board-certified bariatric surgeon, that is a specialist who is dedicated to the study, prevention, and treatment of obesity. Bariatrics is a very broad field of medicine, which is responsible for guiding on food, therapies, exercise routine, pharmacological treatment, and complex surgical procedures to prevent obesity from complicating the patient’s health conditions or even reversing the effects of this condition.

During the gastric sleeve procedure, a bariatric surgeon in Mexico will proceed to administer general anesthesia, so that the patient will be asleep or unconscious. He or she will then make small incisions in your abdomen to insert a laparoscope into your stomach. Once it accesses the stomach, it proceeds to cut approximately 85% of it into tube form and seal it with special staples. Finally, he or she will remove the surgical instruments, and close the incisions. 

Unlike other aesthetic procedures such as liposuction in Mexico, which are performed at a more superficial level of the skin to improve appearance, changes as a result of a gastric sleeve in Tijuana cause deeper effects. This modification of the digestive system will induce those who suffer from obesity or are overweight to implement changes in their way of eating and replace habits more effectively and rapidly. 

Plastic Surgery in Mexico

Here are some of the main objectives and results of a gastric sleeve in Mexico:

  • Suppresses appetite. After surgery in Mexico, the body experiences less production of a substance called ghrelin, which is responsible for stimulating hunger. Which in turn helps reduce anxiety about eating


  • It reduces the capacity of the stomach. A common factor for people with obesity is that they consume large amounts of food. Therefore, as a result of the significant size reduction of the stomach after a gastric sleeve in Mexico, automatically limits the amount of food the person can eat.
  • It increases satiety. On the other hand, after weight loss surgery in Mexico, the body has a better sensitivity to leptin. This increases energy expenditure, inhibits food intake, and helps to obtain an improvement in satiety. That is, people get the effect of feeling full in less time.
  • It accelerates metabolism. The gastric sleeve can also produce gastric emptying. This means that liquids and solids that reach the stomach travel through the digestive system at a faster rate. So, weight loss is accelerated. 
  • The stomach is more sensitive to some foods. After surgery, the stomach requires going through a recovery process. So, a meal plan is implemented that is developed in phases. From liquid foods, soft foods, and solid foods. So, it’s the ideal time to start implementing permanent dietary changes. 


best plastic surgeons in Mexico


What is life like after gastric sleeve in Mexico?

In addition to helping, you with significant weight loss, gastric sleeve as well as gastric bypass in Mexico, gastric banding and other bariatric surgeries lead to an improvement in the overall health of the patient. 

In general, obesity leads to a lack of control of metabolism, sleep, mobility, and even emotions. However, bariatric patients in general, including those who undergo gastric sleeve in Mexico benefit from integrating a healthy eating plan and increased physical activity. So, the result is an incredible improvement in conditions such as:

  • Hypertension
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Sleep apnea
  • High cholesterol
  • Heart failure
  • Mental illness
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome
  • Joint pain

Therefore, from the first few months after bariatric surgery, a gastric sleeve patient can experience a sense of physical well-being, independence, and a sense of accomplishment. They often have more enthusiasm to do activities that they did not do before, they feel less tired, they have much more energy and their mobility improves. This allows them to enjoy their family even more, improve their relationships and even develop better in the workplace. Some even decide to complete their physical change with the best plastic surgeons in Mexico.


Can someone regain weight after a gastric sleeve in Mexico?

One of the main objectives of the gastric sleeve in Mexico is to offer permanent and definitive results. Most patients successfully lose excess weight within a year. However, statistics indicate that a percentage of patients regain weight after approximately 5 years. The reason is that they begin to neglect good eating habits, and the stomach can stretch again, reaching a greater capacity again. 

So the rebound effect will depend largely on the habits of the same patient. While it is true that there are obstacles in the process, with the help of a bariatric doctor you will be able to identify possible challenges, adapt to the new lifestyle, and overcome difficulties. For this reason, surgery has greater guarantees of success, as long as patients have adequate and constant monitoring of their progress. In this way, not only achieve the goal of a healthy weight but the idea is to maintain it in the long term. 


Gastric sleeve in Mexico: the ideal method to achieve a better quality of life.

Too good to be true? Do you think weight loss surgery in Mexico is out of reach? For many, the simple idea of undergoing surgery may seem complicated since their health insurance does not cover this cost, they may think they do not have the economic conditions to pay for it or live in a country where economic changes are changing. For example, those who live in the United States warn that in the coming years, there could be an economic recession so many do not want to borrow.

However, did you know that medical tourism in Mexico allows you to receive bariatric treatment at an affordable cost? Surgery gastric sleeve in Mexico can be up to 80% cheaper than in the United States and in a first-level Mexico Bariatric Center. If you want to know how medical tourism works or contact one of the best board-certified bariatric surgeons in Mexico, you can fill out the following form and acquire information about how the weight loss trip is as well as all the alternatives that can give you the results you want.

liposuction in Mexico


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