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Medical Tourism Mexico: Is Hip Replacement the Best Option for You?

8 September, 2023

medical tourism Mexico

The prospect of hip replacement surgery through Medical Tourism Mexico represents a significant turning point in one’s life. It holds the promise of alleviating pain, enhancing mobility, and ultimately improving your overall quality of life. Yet, it’s only natural for doubts and fears to surface, especially at the outset of this journey.

As you embark on this path toward transformation, it’s common for the mind to dwell on the myriad possibilities, including potential complications and concerns. These apprehensions are entirely valid and addressing them is a crucial step toward making an informed decision.

Today, we are here to provide you with the clarity and assurance you seek. We’ll tackle the most frequently asked questions that have arisen among those considering medical tourism Mexico for hip replacement surgery. By the end of this comprehensive guide, you’ll be armed with the knowledge and confidence necessary to take this transformative step toward regaining your mobility and reclaiming your life. Join us as we explore the world of hip replacement surgery and the unparalleled benefits of choosing Mexico as your destination for this life-changing procedure.


Medical Tourism Mexico: Common Questions About the Hip Replacement Procedure

Plastic surgeries, fertility treatments, and bariatric surgery are some of the most common medical treatments sought by those who travel through medical tourism Mexico. But did you know that orthopedic procedures are also of great interest? That’s right, Mexico is not only an ideal destination for vacationing but also for undergoing high-quality medical treatments. 

Undoubtedly, the accurate information not only of board-certified plastic surgeons in Mexico but of others and specialists with great experience in their field, such as orthopedic surgeons, is a key piece to dispel doubts and fears. Next, we will address 5 common issues of the procedure from the perspective of experts: 

  • What is a hip replacement?

Hip replacement, an orthopedic surgery also known as hip arthroplasty, is a procedure during which damaged hip joints, bone, and cartilage are removed. This element is replaced by an artificial one, that is, a predesigned prosthesis that aims to restore and improve functionality while favoring the relief of patients’ pain. 

  • When is a hip replacement recommended?

Do you have constant pain located in your hip? Do you find it difficult to move? When loss of functionality is evident due to conditions such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, severe fractures, or avascular necrosis that do not respond to traditional treatments or significantly affect the patient’s daily life, it is time to visit a specialist in order to receive an evaluation based on a physical examination or therapy about the possibility of this surgery. 

  • Who may be candidates for this surgery?

A great advantage of this surgical procedure is that there are no age or weight restrictions for joint replacement or total hip replacement surgery. In fact, among the most common patients are people between 50 and 80 years old with success. Generally, evaluations for surgery are based on a patient’s pain or disability. 

  • Is hip replacement surgery painful? 

The replacement procedure is minimally invasive and is performed under general anesthesia, which means that during the intervention the pain will be zero. But of course, like all surgery, once the anesthesia passes, patients may feel some pain combined with other discomfort. However, this will be managed with medications prescribed by your doctor, which usually effectively controls most of the discomfort and will make the recovery period more comfortable. 

  • Are there risks associated with hip replacement?

Like any other surgery, in hip replacement in Mexico, there are also associated risks. Some of these are infections, bleeding, dislocation of the prosthesis, among others. However, often the good preparation and care of the patient, and the measures of your surgeon can minimize some possible complications that could occur. 

hip replacement Mexico


Medical Tourism Mexico: 5 Questions About What Life Is Like After Hip Replacement

Now, did you know that traveling through medical tourism Mexico is much more than surgery? For many medical tourists, this has become one of the best medical experiences. This modality not only offers a fair and affordable hip replacement cost but also the guidance of certified specialists, first-class medical facilities, reception and transfer from the airport, luxury accommodations, and a personalized bilingual service. Which is why both the experience, and the results are phenomenal. 

But what about life after surgery? Know 5 important questions: 

  • How long does recovery take after hip replacement surgery?

Naturally, each body responds differently to recovery. Younger patients have an advantage over older ones because their body usually recovers at a faster rate. Even so, after a few weeks, there is an initial mobility and on average you can expect that around week 6 or 12 a greater mobility.

  • How long can a hip replacement last?

The duration of a hip prosthesis can vary due to multiple factors such as the type of hip implant, the intensity of the activity performed by the patient, and even the care itself in its postoperative period. Even so, most hip replacements usually last around 15 to 20 years. Based on your particular needs your orthopedic surgeon can give you an approximate life of your prosthesis and the necessary care. 

  • When will I be able to return to work or other daily activities after a hip replacement?

In reality, everything will depend on the nature of your work and your resilience. Those who have an office job or require minimal physical activity can return in a few weeks. While if your work requires more physical effort, it is best to keep caring for longer. Your follow-up doctor will tell you how and when to gradually return to your activities.

  • What can’t be done with a hip replacement? 

In most cases, people will be able to resume their daily physical activities. Even so, there are some specific indications to take into account such as those activities or exercises that are of high impact. Among them are running, contact sports, not crossing your legs, avoiding raising your knees higher than your hips, among others that your doctor will explain to you. 

  • What type of rehabilitation or physical therapy is needed after surgery?

The reality is that hip replacement in Mexico does not require prolonged absolute rest. Good rehabilitation and physical therapy are key components of recovery. So, your doctor will assign you a personalized plan that includes exercises to strengthen your hip and improve your mobility. Keep in mind that discipline, perseverance, and effort are essential for a successful recovery.

board certified plastic surgeons in Mexico


Medical Tourism Mexico: A new start from the hands of the best orthopedic surgeons!

At first, the path to a new hip can be challenging, however, with the right knowledge, medical support from the best specialists, and above all the determination of patients to have a better life, it is the ideal combination to overcome any obstacle along the way. We know that well-being and better health represent a worthwhile investment, which is why with us you can find quality medical care and safety in the process.

Do you want to contact one of the best orthopedic surgeons specializing in replacement in Mexico? Fill out our online form now and book a free consultation as soon as possible or call our phone line directly on (858) 779 2552. Solve your doubts and learn about the benefits of medical tourism Mexico, one of the best alternatives for a first-class medical service. 

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